Volume 2 Finale- Chapter 22: Breach

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A/n: Sorry guys for being extremely short! Schools got me focused on a project and was pretty difficult for me to write so... sorry about that. Anyway, Enjoy!

Your POV

You were reaching for Dust Caliber. That's when you collapsed face first.

'Damn it. Did I use too much strength?' You thought

Grimm began to surround you. Ruby and the others were fighting off their own grimm. You closed your eyes for a second... and that's when you felt the first claw enter your back. Your eyes shot open. Looking at the grimm who were impaling you. You felt your blood boil as your instincts took over. You stood up on your feet with your head hanging down, this led to more grimm stabbing you in the chest. You grabbed one of the claws in your chest and forced it out. You lifted up your head to show your (E/c) eyes filled with animosity. This made the grimm back away a few feet, taking out their claws. The only one there was the beowolf in front of you. You tighten your grip until the claw broke. It roared in anger. You unsheathed and sheathed Dust Caliber faster than the eye could see. The beowolf was frozen for one second, then it split in half. Some of the grimm around you roared while the others began to attack you. You materialized a weapon you thought of earlier. A plain looking sword with several splits in it. You swung to the side and unleashed the whip. It cut through the grimm like butter. You dematerialized it and tried to make another one, but you were too slow and a beowolf pounced on you. It raised its claws preparing to strike you down. You kicked it in the stomach as hard as could, snapping it in half. You got back up materializing your next weapon, a battleaxe that could turn into a crossbow that can shoot normal or dust-infused arrows. A Usra began to charge you as soon as you made it. You changed it to crossbow form and shot a fire arrow. It hit its right leg making it slow down. You changed it back to a battleaxe and charged it. You jumped up in the air and began slashing downward. The Usra held up its arms to attempt a block. The axe cleaved through its arms and struck its head killing it instantly. You dematerialized the axe and looked around. You took about half of them out with those weapons, but it still wasn't enough. It was helping that you are nearly your limit. You decided to end it all your remaining aura. You unsheathed Dust Caliber.

'This weapon is one of the most powerful weapons I have. The only downside is that to use the dust it requires aura, but screw it.' You held up your sword to the grimm. 'I have to defeat these grimm... for her' You thought of Ruby's smiling face.

You activated the dust within the blade and unleashed its power. It fired a gigantic blast of raw power. You used up all the dust in the sword using that attack. You fell onto one knee. \

'That's it I've hit my limit' You thought before collapsing to ground, passing out in the process. You saw Ruby just before hitting the ground.

[Time Skip - One Week Later]

You awoke in a hospital bed. You were all bandaged up and had casts on both your legs. You looked to the side and saw Ruby sleeping in a chair next to your bed. You placed your hand on top of her head. She began to wake up. She raised her head rubbing her eyes. The moment she saw you. She hugged you tightly. You grunted slightly in pain.

"Careful Rubes, you don't want me to break another rib do you?" You said, placing a hand on her back

"Sorry! I thought I lost you!" Ruby said tearing up

"I told you, I'm too stubborn to die." You said smiling

Ruby looked up and smiled back just before kissing you. The kiss lasted 30 seconds before, you both had to stop for air. You looked into each other's eyes before kissing again.

[Timp Skip - 2 Weeks Later]

Everything returned to normal when you got back. Unfortunately, You had to study due being in the infirmary. Well, that didn't matter as much as the grimm attack.

'Man...Hopefully that never happens again.' You thought before returning to your studies.

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