Chapter 45: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back

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A/N: Hello guys! I kept my promise here's the next part. I may post another today or tomorrow because the shortness of this part/ I'll you guys in the next part.

"Just hold on, Uncle Qrow." Ruby said worried

Ruby and Jaune carry Qrow on a makeshift stretcher. Ren is before them on the path, leading the way while Nora brings up the rear. Qrow is groaning in pain and is a touch delirious.

"Tai. She's not... coming... " He then grunts in pain "Tai."

Qrow begins to cough repeatedly.

"He is getting worse." Pyrrha said

"How much farther?" Ruby asked

"We've gotta be close." Jaune said

"Without the map, there's no way of knowing. But I feel like we're close to something." Ren said

Ren holsters StormFlower.

"What is it?" Ruby asked

Directly ahead is a fork in the road with a signpost. They are coming from the direction of Higanbana. Kuchinashi and Mistral are to the right, where the land is mountainous. To the left is Kuroyuri, its name crossed out. The path that way remains low ground.

"Hey, hey! Mistral! We're on the right path! Oh..." Nora said

"Does it say how close?!" Ruby questioned

"No. And it looks like the path takes us up the mountains." Ren said

Jaune and Ruby set Qrow down.

"I do not know if all of us can make that climb." Pyrrha said

Ruby looks at Qrow, concerned, before rushing forward to the signpost.

"Okay. Well, what about this place?" She pointed to Kuroyuri "Kuro... Kuroyuri? Can we get help there?"

Jaune approaches.

"That village was destroyed years ago." Ren said

Jaune: But if it takes us around the mountains, it's the best bet we've got.

Ren sternly said "It will take too long."

"The town would have had a doctor, right? Maybe we could scavenge for medicine!" Ruby said

"Right!" Jaune said

Ren closed his eyes, lowering his head and shaking it "We're not going to find anything! We just have to press on!"

There is just a brief moment of silence. Ruby watches him, clutching her hands to her chest.

"Ren, why are you acting—' Pyrrha was then cut off by Nora

"We can split up." Nora said

"Huh?" Ruby said wondering why she would say that

Nora put her hand on Ren's shoulder "Ren and I can cut through the mountains while you, Pyrrha, and Ruby take Qrow around through the village."

"No, we're supposed to stick together! We keep each other safe!" Jaune said

"We don't have time for safe! If we make it to Mistral, we'll bring back help! If we don't, at least we'll have a better view of the land! Up there, we can see if there's somewhere else we can go!" Nora said

Ren turns and looks at Nora. They exchange small, affectionate smiles. Still holding his gaze, Nora drops her hand from his shoulder. All four remain silent, feeling the weight of the choice before them. Qrow coughs, making them all turn in concern and giving the motive to continue.

Jaune looks at Pyrrha and Ruby before turning to Nora and Ren.

"OK." Jaune said

Jaune steps forward and he and Ren hug each other.

"Just take care of each other." He said

Nora smiled at Ren "We always have."

On the path to Kuroyuri, Jaune and Ruby lift Qrow while Pyrrha follows. They turn to Nora and Ren, who are on the path through the mountains to Mistral. They nod and Nora waves. Ren starts to turn, looks back one more time, and then runs. Nora follows.

Ruby confidently, offered comfort "They're gonna be fine, Jaune." 

"You don't know that." Jaune said

Ruby turns forward, her expression saddening. Moving forward, her step leaves an imprint on the ground, shortly after overlapped by Jaune's own.

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