Chapter 25: New Friends

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A/n: This is going to mainly increase the plot of this story. Hope you guys enjoy! Also, play the music whenever you want.

Axel POV

I was killing grimm in the forest, a few weeks after that guy beat Pyrrha in Glynda's class until I saw 2 people, one human, and one Faunus. I began sneaking up to them in a tree and scouting them. They looked like they were just eating dinner. The human had fiery orange hair with sky blue eyes. Has a slightly hooked nose, but at a medium length. Has medium-sized cheekbones, Shining white teeth, a light tan, Chin is slightly pointed but not sharp. He looked to be very strong. He was wearing a black shirt that has a connecting piece to make it a long or short sleeve shirt. Wears a black hoodie that zips up with a white skull wearing a crown of bones in the middle that splits open when unzipped, jacket sleeves have 3D diamond designs that switch between a neon red and neon green (red on one side green on the other), it has two front pockets that are divided by the zipper, has a thumb hole in each sleeve. He's wearing dark gray jeans with shreds of white from being worn, jeans have 2 front pockets and 2 back pockets. He wears black and gray socks that go a little under halfway up the shin and wears black and red running shoes with black laces and wears gloves that don't cover his fingers but it goes up to the second knuckle on his middle finger. Has a black belt. The Faunus has black hair with one dark red eye and one dark blue eye. He has a longer nose that normal that looks like an extremely short snout. He has high cheekbones and shiny white teeth with his canines much longer and much sharper than normal. He has a perfect tan. His chin is very short but sharp until the end where it rounds off. He was wearing a red T-Shirt with a wolf head design of the front. He wears black jeans with ripped knees and 4 pockets, 2 on the front 2 on the back. Wears a black and red assassin cloak that allows him to cover his wolf ears and it keeps his eyes and nose in a shadow only showing his mouth and wears navy blue or maroon running shoes along with a navy blue belt and black fingerless gloves. I just kept watching until the Faunus whispered to the human and then he spoke to me.

"We know you're there, come out," He said

'I should have thought about his superior senses' I thought

I jumped down from the tree to meet them. They stood up and put their food down.

"Who are you," The human asked nervously

I remained quiet for a moment before speaking rather quietly "My name is Axel"

"My name is Hunter" He replied and then pointed to the Faunus "And this is Darron"

I looked over to Darron and he just simply waved at me.

"Why are you here?" Darron asked slightly nervous

"I was hunting some grimm and then I found you guys camping here. " I said, loud enough for them to hear me

"Ok well, do you want to spar a bit?" Hunter asked

"Sure." I said

"One condition, no semblances." He said

"Alright, so it's a one vs one vs one?"

"Yes" Hunter replied

"Let's do this." I said

We all got into our fighting stances. I unsheathed my bow-staff. Hunter unsheathed an all-black long sword with a dust compartment on the hilt, while Darron unsheathed a scythe. We were standing in a triangle each twenty feet away from each other. Hunter was the first to strike. He slashed down with his sword at me and I blocked with my staff horizontally. I pushed him back and then Darron joined the fray and swung his scythe at Hunter. Hunter dodged and slashed back. Darron jumped back in the nick of time. I ran forward towards Hunter. He noticed me and attempted to block my attack. He expected me to swing to his left side, but instead, I attempted to stab him with the sharpened point of my staff. Darron comes in and high kicks me in the head just before it hit. I flew back about ten feet and stood up to meet Hunter's sword about to hit me in the chest. I side-stepped to the left and knee him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He fell to the ground and then I swung down with my staff, hitting him in the back. He fell to the ground and swept my leg. Darron then came and slashed his scythe at Hunter. He didn't have any time to react and was forced to take a hit, depleting his aura a bit. I got back up and attacked Darron. He changed his scythe into a spear and met my staff. We locked blades and I forced him back and tried attacking him once more. He blocked all the hits until I faked him out and attacked his head than his feet within a time span of a second. Hunter came behind me and slashed at me back depleting my aura. I retaliated by swinging me staff upwards and hitting in the chin. I then turned around and began to attack him violently, not allowing him to turn the tables. Unknownst to me and Hunter, Darron slashed my back making me stop and changed his spear into an M16 and began unloading into me and Hunter. He ran out of ammo surprisingly fast and changed it back into a spear. I turned around to face him despite my aura being low at that point. I was breathing heavily so was Hunter and Darron. We all got back into a triangle and dashed towards the center meeting each other's blades. We all attacking each other at that point. I hit Darron, Hunter hits me, and Darron hits Hunter. The pattern would sometimes change into the inverse: Darron hits me, I hit Hunter, and Hunter hits Darron. We got so tired we could barely even move. We were still standing at the center of the triangle, all breathing heavily, then we just fell back from exhaustion. Hunter was the first to speak

"That was one of the best spars of my life." He said on the ground panting

"Yeah." Darron and I said agreeing also on the ground panting

We stayed quiet for a moment catching our breaths.

"Hey, guys." I said sitting up

"What?" They said in unison still on the ground

"You guys ever consider joining Beacon?" I asked

"No, I didn't put much thought into joining any academy." Hunter said sitting up to face me and with Darron nodding in agreement

"Well, you guys should join there's a ton of strong people there and you'll both qualify pretty easily." I said

"Name a few would you?" Darron asked

"There's Pyrrha Nikos, Weiss Schnee-" I said before getting cut off

"Pyrrha Nikos?! She attends Beacon?" Hunter inquiries while Darron sat up in surprise

"Yeah, and there's one more guy that stands out." I said

"Who is he?" Hunter asked

"I wouldn't be out of my mind to say he's probably the strongest at Beacon despite not taking place in any tournaments. He beat Pyrrha." I said slightly depressed at the end

"How did he beat her?" Darron asked still surprised

"Well, let's see..." I said holding my hand up to my chin "You know how Pyrrha can control magnetism."

"Yeah." Hunter said

"Well, his semblance allows him to create any weapon imaginable. That wouldn't help him at all because wooden weapons are too weak and Pyrrha can magnetize the metal swords, but he can literally make any weapon out of his aura, overcoming the disadvantage and beat her with his superior combat skills and creativity" I explained with my head down

I looked at them and they were both awestruck.

"What's his name?" Darron asked

"I believe it was (Y/n)... or something" I answered

"Well, let's go meet him. What do you say Darron?" Hunter said standing up

Darron stood up and said "Yeah let's go"

I stood up and said to them "Let's go talk to Ozpin about making a team"

With that, we began to walk towards Beacon.

[Timeskip - End of the Day]

"Well, got that settled." Hunter said flopping on the bed

"Yep." I said

"Alright, let's go meet this guy. Darron said getting pumped

"Everyone's asleep you know that right?" I said

"WHAT?!" They yelled in unison

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