Chapter 4: Unanswered Questions

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A/N: Forgot to mention you got a scroll when you joined Beacon, but you still kept your phone from Earth.

A few weeks later

Everything had been going smoothly at Beacon. Team RWBY introduced you to Team JNPR which whom you became friends with fast. You developed a rapport with Ruby because of similar age. You found her childish behavior adorable. She always made you feel happy.

Your POV

You woke up at 6:00 AM and noticed you got a message on your scroll. It was from Ozpin.

You looked at the message.

Dear, (Y/N)

Meet me at my office at 8:00

From, Ozpin

You began to wonder what this was about.

'What could it be?' You thought

You took a shower, brushed your teeth, and got dressed. You made sure that Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang were still asleep. Although you had a feeling that Blake was awake, she was moving too much to be asleep. You knew she wouldn't say anything, and it's not in her personality. She would assume you were an early riser. Before You left you a note on the desk saying where you were going in case, they wake up. You began to walk towards Ozpin's office. When you got there, Ozpin was sitting at his desk and Glynda by his side. There was someone there you didn't know. He had black hair on top and greying hair on the sides of his head. He looked to be in the military. He also was very tall and has blue eyes, but there was someone else there. You instantly recognized who it was. It was Eli, your best friend. You both ran up to each other and fist bumped.

"Sorry to cut the reunion short, but I have something to discuss with both of you." The man said

Your's and Eli's attention was directed towards him.

"First, What is your name?" You said

"I am General Ironwood." He replied

"Nice to meet you," You said.

"Nice to meet you too. I am going to get to the point, and I need both of you to answer some questions." Ironwood said.

"I don't think I can answer many questions. I barely know the situation myself." You said

"Me neither," Eli said.

"Well, can you tell me what you do know?" He asks.

"Sure, but I don't think it will help." You said.

"Anything helps at this point." He said

"Ok," You said

You and Eli started explaining how you got here. How your bullies pushed through a portal while you were walking home. Ironwood explained how he found Eli crashing through the wall of his school with little to no damage to him. He asked why You and Eli can take these type of hits and stand right back up. You told him how were trained by their Jiu-Jitsu instructor Mr. Marty. He put You through a certain level of pain until You couldn't feel it then move to the next level of pain, but the main thing he taught was Jiu-Jitsu. He taught you how to defend, counterattack, and attack.

"So that's how you can deliver powerful attacks while also having a solid defense," He said

"So, have you been able to locate the others?" You ask

"What others?" He said

"The other two people that also came here Michael and Davis," Eli said

"I don't know." He said

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