Volume 3 Finale- Chapter 39: End Of The Beginning

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Your POV

You were running with Ruby towards the evacuation point and then you saw Weiss and Zwei standing together. Zwei barks to alert Weiss to our presence, and Weiss turns around to greet us.

"Ruby! (Y/n)!" Weiss said in relief

"Oh, I found you!" Ruby said also in relief

"Ruby, (Y/n), where have you-" Weiss began to ask

"Don't worry, We're fine! What's going on?" You said

Weiss didn't say anything, she just lowers her gaze in a sad manner.

"Weiss? What is it?" Ruby asked

Weiss steps aside, giving You and Ruby a clear view of Blake and Yang lying on the ground. Both of them have bandages wrapped around their wounds, and Yang is unconscious. Behind them is Nora and Ren, who are too battered and bruised to fight. Blake reaches over and places her hand on Yang's.

"I'm sorry." Blake said with tears in her eyes

Ruby reaches out and opens her mouth to say something, but in her state, she doesn't know what to say, nor do you.

Blake curls up and closes her eyes "I'm so sorry."

"Yang..." Ruby said in sorrow

"Hey. She's gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale." You heard a familiar voice say. You and Ruby turn to see Sun

"But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing." Nora said

Nora attempts to stand, but she quickly sits back down, groaning and holding her side.

"What!?" You say in surprise

"Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go, now!" Sun explained

"We're not... leaving!" Ren said as he tries to stand up, but then falls to his knees "Ugh!"

Sun turns and casts a worried look at Blake.

"I'll find them... I'll find them, and I'll bring them back." Ruby said

"No! We will find them." You said as you turn to Nora and Ren "Watch after Blake and Yang. We'll be back." You look towards Weiss "You coming too?"

"Thought you would never ask." Weiss said

You, Ruby, and Weiss run back toward Beacon Academy, while Sun watches them go.

"You better be! Idiots." Sun shouted

[TimeSkip - At Beacon Campus]

You, Ruby and Weiss are just outside of Beacon campus, when Weiss' Scroll begins ringing.

"It's Jaune!" She answers "Where are you?"

"Weiss! Please, you have to stop her!" Jaune says in panic

"What!?" Weiss asked

"Pyrrha! She's going after that woman at the top of the tower! She doesn't stand a chance!" Jaune said broken

"Jaune, what are you talking about!? Where are you?" Weiss asked once again

Jaune shouts into the Scroll's speaker "Don't worry about me!" But now his voice is filled with sadness "Please, you have to save Pyrrha."

"We will. Are you okay?" Weiss asked again

Then the Jaune disconnected the call

"Jaune? Jaune!" Weiss repeated his name to no avail

The ground shakes, alerting You all to the danger that approaches them. The Dragon flies into view, circling Beacon Tower with black ooze dripping from it. It perches on one of the arches stemming from the tower and utters a screech. Ruby draws Crescent Rose, shifting it into its scythe form in preparation for the Grimm spawning from the ooze.

"I have a plan." Ruby said

"You always do." You said as you and Weiss both draw your weapons

You began to fight off waves of Grimm.

"We've gotta hurry!" Ruby said

Weiss looks around for a moment, before casting a series of glyphs up the side of the tower.

"You both can do this." Weiss said

You and Ruby hold hands before running forward, then Ruby uses her Semblance to propel herself and you up to the first glyph. She then sprints up the wall with you still holding on, the glyphs propelling you and her forward and keeping you both from falling off. Then you managed to go fast then Ruby and make it up. Then you saw the girl Jaune mentioned before with an obsidian bow and arrow. She pulls back the arrow, lowering the bow to aim at a weakened Pyrrha. Nearby, Ruby finally reaches the top of the tower, landing in a kneeling position. She looks upon the scene, seeing Pyrrha sitting with her eyes closed, accepting the fate that awaits her. You instantly realized what was about to happen and used all your strength to launch yourself forward, the girl shoots the arrow, which plants itself directly in the center of YOUR Chest. Ruby watches in horror as You gasped in pain, the wound in your chest emitting a red glow. Cinder approaches you and said.

"How dare you interrupt me!" She shouted in anger

You look towards Ruby who began to cry more and more.

Ruby clenches her fists, curls her arms to her body, and then suddenly flings her arms out to the sides, beginning to levitate slightly off the ground. Brilliant white light flows from her eyes as she screams out the name of her dear friend.

"(YYYYYY/NNNNNNN)!" Ruby yelled in complete despair

The white light envelopes her, spreading out to the Dragon and the girl.

"WHAT?!" The girl yelled in complete and utter shock

After the light was over, you looked over to Ruby to which you saw Qrow.

You mustered all the strength you could to speak. "Qq.. rr. Ow"

He looked towards you with sorrow in his eyes then he walked over to you.

"What is it, kid?" He asked

"I'm probably not... going to make it." You said in a raspy voice

"So, why did you call out to me kid?" Qrow asked

"Tell her I'm sorry... and give her this..." You trying to reach out towards Dust Caliber

"I got it, kid." He said as he picked up Dust Caliber

"This is... goodbye." You said as you closed your eyes

"Goodbye, Kiddo." Qrow said before leaving with Ruby

You felt like you were turning to dust, but it didn't feel like you were dying. Why?

[POV - Change to Ruby]

It has been a couple months since the Fall of Beacon.Uncle Qrow gave (Y/n)'s sword and he said that (Y/n) said That he's sorry. Tears always fill my eyes thinking about it. I step outside, wearing a backpack, and quietly shut the front door.

"Hey." Jaune said

"Hey, Jaune. Haven's a long way to go." I said

"I know. It's the only way we have." He said

"Are you sure you want to come along?" I asked them

"The journey will be perilous, and whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain." Ren said

"But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it." Nora said

"Then let's get started." I said as we began walking towards Haven

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