Part 16

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A/N: Guys I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but I had 2 school projects to do, so sorry about that. Now Its my spring break and I will try to post more parts. Thank You and Enjoy

Your POV

You were helping Yang move the speakers into the ballroom, when you saw Ruby looking glum as she rests her head on the table. Weiss comes up and slams her palms on the table.

"I need you to pick a tablecloth." Weiss said smiling while showing Ruby 2 "different" table cloths

"Aren't they both the same?" Ruby said, confused

"I don't even know why I asked!" Weiss said, sighing in frustration

She walked over to You and asked the same question and You replied with "They're the same"

Weiss walks out to do something else. Yang placed her speaker on the ground and began walking towards Ruby.

"So, have you picked out a dress yet?" Yang said, brushing her hands

""What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?" Ruby said, depressed

"Oh, don't worry; she's going. " Yang assured

"Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!" Yang shouted

"If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!" Weiss said, walking up to Yang, pointing in her face

Then you heard the doors open.

"Your dance is gonna have fog machines?" Neptune said, walking in with Sun

"We were thinking about it..." Weiss said, stepping up to him, becoming sweet

"That's pretty cool." Neptune replied simply

"You ladies all excited for dress-up?" Sun said, acting suave

"Pfft... Yeah, right!" Ruby said

"Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!" Yang said, proudly

"Me and Eli were never ones to really dress up, they're too constricting" You said

"What are you two wearing?" Weiss said addressing Sun and Neptune

"Uuhhh... this?" Sun said, gesturing to his current shirtless outfit

"Ignore him for he knows not what he says." Neptune said as he steps up and holds a hand in front of his friend's face

"Hey, I may have moved to Haven, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place." Sun explained, knocking Neptune's hand away

All of your expressions changed to being told something extremely obvious.

"Yeah, we noticed." Yang said

"Soooo... what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, y'know... Blake-y?" Sun said, rubbing the back of his head

"Obviously." Weiss said, crossing her arms

"I still can't think of a way to change her mind." Ruby said

"Me neither" You added

"Guys. Trust me; Blake will be at the dance tomorrow." Yang said, looking at everybody as she walks out

[TImeskip - The Next Day]

Ruby asked You to meet her in the courtyard just before the dance. You were waiting for her. 'I'm guessing she's having a hard time with heels' You thought. Just as you thought this Ruby came walking down, but in the most shaky way possible.

"I feel so bad for you" You said

"I don't know how people walk in these" Ruby said

"I don't know either" You said, smiling

"What are you smiling at?" Ruby asked

"Your dress. It's beautiful" You said

Her dress was a red dress with black lace, belt, and pumps.

"Thank you" Ruby said, blushing

"I like yours too" Ruby added

[Your Suit is whatever you want it to be]

"Thanks" You said

Ruby stumbled in her heels. You caught her just before she hit the ground.

"That was a close one" You said, with relief

Ruby then kissed you.

"Consider that a thank you" Ruby said

"Let's go to the dance shall we?" You said

"Yes let's" Ruby replied

You walked into the ballroom where You and Ruby were greeted by Yang

"Ooohh, you guys look so cute together!" Yang shouted, excitedly

"Thanks" You said

You, Ruby and Yang walk to the dance floor

Inside the ballroom, streamers are hung through glass chandeliers, pink and blue balloons are everywhere, and students in dark suits and bright dresses are stepping with each other to the music between the white-clothed tables. Blake is spun around by Yang before they curtsey to one another, and Sun comes up and takes his date's hands as Yang gestures for him to do so. She goes to hang with Ruby and Weiss in a similar white dress as Yang's. In the back of the room, watching Blake laugh and enjoy herself before smiling at her .

"I told you she would come." Yang said

"Mission accomplished." Weiss added

"Soooo, what do we do now?" Ruby asked, turning towards us

"Just have fun!" Yang said

"Does that mean I can change out of these stupid things and into my hood now?" Ruby shouted after Yang

upon receiving no answer, she waddles around in her painful footwear

"Stupid lady stilts!" Ruby added

"Ruby It'll be fine" You assured her

"Not enjoying yourselves?" A familiar voice says behind both of you

You and Ruby turn to see Ozpin.

"Oh, no, everything's fine! I'm just not much of a fancy pantsy... dancey girl." Ruby said, shaking her head and laughing

"Well, you can't spend your whole life on the battlefield, even if you may want to." Ozpin said

"Yeah, that lesson's been floating around a lot lately." Ruby said, crossing her arms and looking annoyed

"If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren't so different. Two partners interlocked, although one wrong move on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot." Ozpin said

"Or a twisted ankle." Ruby said looking down at her feet

"It's not everyday that friends are able to come together like this. Time has a way of testing our bonds, but it's nights like these that can help keep them stronger than ever. Nights like these are ones we'll never forget." Ozpin said

Ruby smiles at the words of wisdom, but turns her head at the sound of the doors opening. Yang is back behind the podium, and smiles at the new arrivals.

"Hey Ruby" You said

"Yes?" Ruby asked

"Want to dance?" You asked

"I don't know how though" Ruby replied

"I'll teach you" You said

You held her hand and dragged her to the dance floor

"Place one hand on my shoulder and the other in my hand" You said

Ruby did as instructed. You then put your free hand on her waist making her blush for a second. You then started to dance to the music. Ruby made rookie mistakes like accidently stepping on your foot. However You were enjoying yourself because you were spending time with the woman you loved. 

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