CHAPTER 7- Spirit: Overslept

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My favorite Comment On this chapter: "Slap that Fancy Cat B*tch!" -zuperztarz 😭I'm dying

"Spirit, wake up!" I squeezed my eyes shut more at the sound of Fallan's loud, exciting voice.

"You've been asleep for a long time," Hannah said, causing me to sit up and shake myself awake. My eyes were taking awhile to adjust, I realized as I squinted through the bright light and thick dust of the air, recalling my thoughts from last night.

Great... That was just great.

I had overslept, and also had a dream, and also wasted who knows how long, which was precious time lost. The warmth and brightness told me it was way past dawn.

Hannah snapped me back to the world of reality by yelling excitedly, startling me up and out of my nest.

"There's kittens! Look!" She side-stepped and revealed some young cats running around and playing with dry grass and cobwebs, looking like she was about to jump out of her pelt in joy.

I blinked away the last hint of blurriness from my eyes, and wiped the crust away with a paw.

There were several kittens, more than I had noticed last night. Probably a little over a dozen were running and jumping around.

I'd done nothing about this last night, and had completely ignored the fact that stranger cats were sleeping all around us.

This happened too often... I was always so involved in my thoughts that I didn't realize the extent of what was going on outside my head. Angry at myself and exasperated from the time, I observed the small shapes all around us. All these cats couldn't be born from a single litter.

A little grey-and-white-male wrested with another smaller brown kitten. They tumbled across the floor, a tangle of legs, tails and joyful laughter.

A small orange tabby with white paws, tail-tip, chest and muzzle was stalking a small ball of moss, eyes narrowed with concentration.

A black-and-white cat pounced in the air and landed on top of another kit a few paw-steps away, and Fallan was running around with a solid white she-kit now, pretending to be chasing the kit as if it were prey.

This was all chaos, and I wanted to get out of it. As I peered over at Hannah with a look of confusion, she cocked her head.

"I wonder where they came from? We smelled cats last night, but not this many."

All of a sudden a muffled mew sounded from under my belly. I side-stepped at once to see that this was the kitten I had seen last night.

I'd figured, but why did it keep following me around and trying to lay under me?

Hannah started laughing the hardest she could, causing me to draw a sheathed paw over her ears and hiss. "Shut up!"

Even though sunlight poured through the holes of the barn I wanted to make sure we didn't make any noise so humans wouldn't hear us, if they were here. The stale human-scents from last night were overpowered by the milky scent of kittens.

I turned my head to get a better look at the tiny creature as it wiggled beside me, pushing it's paws up through the dry grass.

It was a tiny runt calico cat with a very unusual white marking on its head that was in the shape of a diamond, as I'd noticed last night.

The small thing opened its astonishing bright blue eyes and took a wobbly step towards me, wiggling its whiskers in the effort to try and figure out what the scent was.

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