CHAPTER 62- Hannah: Sad Faces All Around

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Me and Blaze padded through the trees side by side until they began thinning out. Pines surrounded us, spacing out until there were very few left. We now stood looking at the hills rolling before our paws, the grass growing much higher farther out than it did here.

"We've made good time," Blaze said while sitting and scratching an itchy ear. Fallan still lagged behind, setting her paws down heavily as if she were sad. I ignored my mate for a second and turned around as she neared.

"I know you're sad," I admitted, speaking to her lowly as Diamond hopped onto Blaze's back to play.

My sister's face was one that brought claws curling around my heart. Her whiskers were dropping and her rounded ears were pressed back.

"But this is going to be a good thing. I promise I won't pressure you to walk all day or hunt. Me and Blaze will take care of you and Diamond."

Fallan turned her head away sullenly before returning it, full of grief.

"It's just that we'll never see Spirit again. And now I'm never going to be able to do what my mother always wanted." The smaller cheetah sniffed, her amber eyes glistening. I felt sadness well in my heart as I recalled the tall blue-eyed cheetah that was her mother fighting for her life- this was the only memory I'd had of her. Battling to save not only her kits life but those of any other cheetah's who were in the wolves path as well.

I sat down next to Fallan and looked at my paws silently. If Fallan wasn't happy here, then who was I to take her away from her sister and all that she'd ever known?

"You don't have to stay with us. You could still catch up with Spirit if you hurry," I said, knowing very well that I didn't want her to go. Fallan's response brought both a wave of relief and pity upon me.

"It's too late to go back," she muttered uncertainly. I flattened an ear and turned away, hoping that she would cheer up in time and become happy with her decision.

"Fallan is sad," I murmured to Blaze as I sat down next to him. He wrapped his tail around me and stepped closer.

"She'll be okay. I can tell it was hard for you to leave Spirit behind too."

I shrugged and turned away, not wanting Blaze to realize just how hard it had been to walk away. My own feelings had to come after the well-being of Diamond and Fallan and in Spirit's Pride my sister hadn't been happy and Diamond much too unsafe.

I tried to pry the thought into my mind that this was for the best- so far the only one who seemed content with our decision was Blaze. Even Diamond had wriggled in my grip and looked back sullenly at Spirit and the rest of the cats. When they were gone from sight she'd gone silent and was now playing stiffly as if it didn't feel right being so far away from the others.

"We'll all be happy once we find a new territory. Now that the season is getting warmer and the snow is almost melted there will be a lot more prey to go around. And I'll hunt for everyone every day," Blaze promised. I grew still as he lapped at my ear in the disappearing light of the Great Paw.

Back then it had felt weird openly showing affection for Blaze around Fallan but now it didn't bother me. She never stared or said anything about my change of heart from friends to more towards the tom.

"It will be dark in about an hour. I think I'm going to hunt and you and Fallan should stay here at the edge of the trees to protect Diamond if anything comes at us."

I felt my hackles rise as I thought of the concerning amount of formidable fighting cats we had now. Sure, if any predators came in the night we could always climb trees- but it wasn't as safe as traveling with a larger group.

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