CHAPTER 73- Spirit: Golden Grass

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I have to tell them, sooner or later.

It was after training, and each cat had trained hard the morning after me and Storm had spoken under the lowering Great Paw, next to the small waterfall.

Even Diamond had been allowed to join in, and learned a move from her signature side-flips. The cat was nimble on her feet, and looked more like a young she-cat then a kit. Diamond's fur was overall short except for tufts around her neck, elbows and tail. Her eyes had stayed their brilliant color of light blue throughout life.

Fallan was doing so much better, limping beside me now. I could tell she wasn't letting her spirit fall, and watched the training with enthusiasm. She had cheered Diamond on, and I was also happy that Hannah now had the heart to join in with the rest of the Pride.

My little sister was much stronger, her leg always stiff and barely touching the ground. I knew she had the strength to hold it up all the time now.

The golden grass was a lot less far down the slope now, and we were stopping to hunt on my call.

"Spirit! I'm allowed to go hunting this time, right?" Diamond asked, running up on dusty white paws.

"Only if Hannah says yes, of course," I joked, knowing that Diamond's foster mother-cat let her use her energy in more productive ways now. Hannah padded up and nodded. Another thing I was proud of her for was not holding Diamond back anymore. A little over-protective urges were okay, but Diamond was thriving from being able to learn. She fought better every day on her own accord, and had muscles from playing with Fallan so much.

"Wait- I'll go with you." Hannah looked fairly happy to be going hunting with Diamond, and bent to touch noses with her. Whatever hole that Blaze had left behind, I was glad that Diamond was there to help fill it up.

I turned around to the eyes of Midnight, who was lifting her head to squint at me. Fallan was beside me so I stepped away for a moment and sat down.


"Why do you seem nervous?" She asked, causing me to laugh in a obviously nervous way. Midnight knew me too well sometimes, but it warmed me to think so. I bend down to get closer to her ears, while her slanted purple eyes blink at me in question.

"I want to announce to the Pride that me and Storm are mates."

"Ohhhhh," she says, nodding and scooting forward. She glances back at Aspen, who is idly pawing at a butterfly now. I stare at him for a moment and then shrug, remembering how I'd been just as playful with Storm yesterday.

"That's a good idea, before one of them asks a question. Plus I bet Storm is wondering the same."

I shift my paws because I honestly didn't think about that. Was Storm wondering? I was definitely sure about what I wanted now, and he deserved to know...

"Just do it after we all eat. That's when we groom each other." Midnight seems enthusiastic about consulting me and I have to agree her idea is a good one.

"Great idea. Thanks, Midnight." She rolls her eyes as if it's no problem and purrs.

"What would you do without me?"

I can't respond for a second, and think. Well, I'd be making a lot of bad decisions without her. So without her, I'd be doing the wrong things.

Midnight stands up and dips her head, and I do the same. I know she can tell that I'm smiling, and does the same before turning back to Aspen with her tail waving.

"Want to go hunting?" Storm asks, causing my heart to beat faster. I actually envy the idea of being alone with him again.

"Let's go now."

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