CHAPTER 46- Spirit: Losing Resources

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The night that Storm, Midnight and I had went out in search of prey as a desperate attempt to feed Diamond had proven to be a failure. No signs or scents of anything, except for a stale scent trail of some small rodent.

It was seeming to be more of a barren wasteland out here more every day, but I was glad to see Midnight growing into an adult cat along with Aspen and Diamond, who were also growing.

Even as they grew, though, their flanks shrunk into skin and bone and we continued traveling hungrily throughout the course of the next few days, only finding prey a paw-full of times and eating once or twice a day.

Training had been put on hold because the prey was getting more scarce with the coming of the new weather, which was also changing. It would seem to get a little more chilly every night- Aspen had now resorted to sleeping on Midnight's flank as she rested next to me at night.

Hannah and Fallen still barely spoke to me, and Storm would still spark up small conversations now and then. They were usually awkward or boring, and I didn't speak much throughout.

"How about Storm?" Midnight said today, on a morning where the Skycat was sending weak rays of light from above to warm the stone we all sat upon. I was thankful that there was not much wind to cause the air to be chilly as it had been usually.

We had been contemplating on who I'd be battle training today, but I was sure that I didn't want it to be with Storm. He fought well, and I didn't want to get embarrassed, plus something else like nervousness itched in my stomach...

But why?

"Come on," Midnight meowed, an exasperated look clouding her face. I turned my head away to let her know I wasn't budging.

"He's the only one who has fighting skills equal to yours, that you can learn from him with. You don't want to fight Hannah in case she gets an attitude again, and me and Aspen are too little. Plus, I know you don't want to practice with Blaze," mewed Midnight as she turned away, knowing her point was proven.

Ugh. I hated the fact that she was right, and that Storm was the best place to start for training.

My pelt itched with nervousness as I turned to sit on the edge of a round, flat stone that would be used as the training spot today. What if I lost to Storm on the first try?

"He's ready when you are but me and Aspen will be practicing close by," said the little black cat as she approached, the ginger tom at her side. He looked exited to be training again, and I thought it was nice that the tom enjoyed learning so much about regular cat ways. His yellow eyes shone as he stretched out his toes excitedly.

Hannah approached just as Midnight and Aspen turned away, dropping Diamond at my paws a bit more over-exaggerated than gently.

She was clearly tempered.

"Fallan wants to go hunting with us," the skinny cheetah said, sounding annoyed. Her light green eyes flashed as she waved her tail at Fallen talking to Blaze behind her.

I thought about telling Hannah it was her job to watch the kit, but figured it would be all right. Diamond would be distracted from watching us battle train while they were gone, and hopefully be treated with prey when she got back.

"They're going hunting, so you're going to watch me, Midnight, Aspen and Storm battle train for a few minutes until they get back," I said down to the little calico kitten, who looked up at me with eager icy eyes.

My thoughts wandered back to a few days ago, as the kit nodded slowly, her bright blue eyes bright with excitement.

Diamond had obviously been confused when we had all turned up without prey, and woken twice mewling hungrily in the night. My heart had a small ache as the little kit jumped up and ran over to the flat stone where Storm was waiting, landing clumsily as she jumped.

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