CHAPTER 21- Spirit: Taking Risks

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"Go, Midnight, but be careful!"

I was smart enough to know that at least two of the ill-minded wolves had fallen asleep; because there was no voices to be heard; only gentle snores.

Midnight slipped out through a crack in the bark, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret for sending her first.

She could easily be spotted and killed, tortured for escaping...

And I'd sent her out first because of her stealth, and ability to slip unnoticed through the dark trees.

But then again, she could succeed in her mission and we could escape without trouble. Well, that was, so long as everyone upheld their part...

There was still two more phases of the plan. Now that Midnight had left and Diamond was still sleeping on the cat's giant black head, there was an extra pawstep of space.

I decided to let Fallan have it so we could form a tight circle.

"Alright, if this works out, Midnight will slip through the forest, staying hidden. And when she is at a far distance from us and the wolves she will yowl. Hopefully two of the wolves will go to check it out, leaving us with one to defeat. When they leave, that's your signal, Fallan."

I nodded towards her, and she gave me a toothy grin.

Fallan would be taking Diamond with her and running far ahead, where, if this worked out, we would meet her later by following scent trail.

"Remember, run as fast as you can, and go straight ahead. A good distance away. Then hide yourself, and we'll meet you soon. Be quiet so not to wake up the wolves, though," I added.

"And you'd better wake up Diamond now," I said because I wanted to make sure that at least two of us survived.

Lastly, I turned to Hannah and the black cheetah.

"Hannah and y-you."I cleared my throat because... Oops. I stammered. Well, because obviously I wasn't used to addressing this tom yet, but it had to be done.

"You two will come with me outside and fend off whoever is there still, then we will go to Fallan and wait there for Midnight, if she hasn't shown by then."

After that, it was obvious; we would run for our lives.

But the muscular black cheetah stiffened, staring at me intently as if needing to ask a question.

"Yes?" I nodded small and avoided his direct burning green gaze.

"But what if this... Midnight doesn't come back?" I breathed and thought about that for a moment, only no answer came.

"Then we'll explore that problem when it comes. For now, we wait on Midnight." By now Fallan had woken up Diamond and she was bright-eyed and ready for action. Hopefully I had gotten the point across to everyone, though, and they knew what to do.

Minutes passed, and I had begun to grow hot. I could have been really stupid, sending Midnight off all alone like that.

If she was dead now, I figured the wolves would have come back. But wouldn't we have heard them get up and run to go after her?

If she wasn't dead, she sure was making sure that she was a ways away.

Then again...

My worries were cut off as I heard a blood-chilling yowl, that echoed twice through the woods, causing my ears to ring.

Hannah leaned forward and we hissed urgently to Fallan who had already scooped up Diamond in her jaws and was ready to leave.

"Go!" Fallan slipped out and didn't look back, quick as a fox.

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