CHAPTER 23- Unknown: Held Back

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Alone walked a cheetah among the tall grass that was the barrier into another world-a tall cheetah with sandy-colored fur and bright, icy colored eyes that burned like cold fire, a cheetah seeking the dreaming world, her ears pricked, and heart beating nervously.

This cheetah was me.

I was not often one to be in a mode of such panic, but I had never seen her since the incident; since that one day beside the little cramped tree with the small territory that did not have enough prey to support the small family that had lived there.

A small family, yet a loving, close family, that would turn from peaceful to a living nightmare in only a couple of seconds.

Remembering The Day brought me cold shudders every time, and feelings of remorse, and I had to halt for a moment to shake out my fur and try to get ahold of myself.

I stopped at the misty barrier that would take me to the dream world, that would plunge me into another dimension so different from this one. One that I could control, but only to an extent- and that extent was only one that they Skycat could grant.

You see, this is a perfect world.

Nobody ever gets hungry, thirsty. No one is ever in any physical pain or got tired, cold or hot.

A tear could not be shed, a drop of blood could not be spilled-yet many here felt as if just that was happening to them each day as they looked down upon their loved ones...

The ones that they had left behind they would never touch alive again.

It was too perfect here, so much that I wished to leave.

I wanted to go back so bad... To be alive again, to live and breathe and feel pain, to run and feel wind in my pelt, grass on my paws.

I lifted a paw and was about to take a step to cross when a great, booming voice make me freeze.

"No!" Spinning around, I flattened myself on the ground, and high wind picked up.

I had to dig my claws into the ground to stop myself from being blown over, looking up to see two dark blue eyes appear.

The wind settled and a cheetah appeared in front of me, one all-too familiar.

My eyes blazed, and I had to hold my tail still to keep it from lashing in frustration and annoyance.

Couldn't she leave me alone for one second!? I wasn't a kit!

"What is it this time?" I growled.

"Respect your superiors." Sky's eyes narrowed, and the world crackled above in a single strike of thunder.

I lowered my head and tried not to growl.

"You must not cross the barrier." She raised her head and looked down upon me.

I yowled angrily, unable to contain my anger. "You have said that I may! Why must you deny me yet again? You have promised me this moment for many 'paws and I am tired of waiting."

The Skycat lashed her tail, her voice booming as she looked down upon me. Stars shimmered in her beautiful tan pelt, and her dark blue eyes blazed like fire.

"Your time will come, and soon may it, but you must be patient. Your family will still be there, they are under my protection."

I forced myself not to roll my eyes, and instead stood up straighter to meow smally.

"Yes, but the Howler's power is growing. How do we know you won't be able to overthrow him next time?"

She blinked, and turned around to begin walking in the direction opposite of the barrier. I felt my paws being forced to walk with her, and didn't try to fight against it.

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