CHAPTER 20- Spirit: "Fat Head"

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"In you go, kitty-kitty!"

Ugh. This is ridiculous! They were going to attempt to put us all in the hollow tree so nobody could escape throughout the night.

I growled as Slamble shoved Fallan into the hollow tree, and she squealed as the wolf's cold nose ran into her back.

Last night we had slept just fine, with even a little bit of space left to stretch in the night, (as long as everyone curled up) but now it seemed such a hard task, and I pondered whether to turn on the wolves and claw myself out of this situation.

The green-eyed black cat and been ordered to go in first, and even with his thick body scrunched up against the side as much as it possibly could be, there was still only half the space left that there had been last night because of his size.

But still, Slamble and Rack were determined to make everyone as cramped and crowded as they could be; they had even shoved some extra leaves and twigs inside, and insisted that the strongest cats go in the back with the kits closest to the entrance so they could suffer in the cold, crisp air of the outside that would peep through the opening.

Fallan and the black cheetah had entered, and now it was Hannah's turn. When she stepped inside, she moved as far away from the tom as possible, and I would have, too, but now she had no choice but to press her body up against his as Rack ushered me in in front of her.

Very little room for me to fit, I noticed. We'd all have to scrunch up.

Fallan was in the middle, Hannah to the left and the large black cat in between-so of course I had to fit right in front of him, in the only space available.

"Hope you're comfy tonight, little Spirit!" Now Rack's nose was pushing my lower back, trying to shove me into the tree. But I only moved as fast as I wanted, and put one paw inside and halted out of pure annoyance.

This tiny wolf was pushing his luck.

"Come now, baby Spirit, you have to go inside wif' the other kitty-kitties!" I was standing my ground outside the hollow, Diamond and Midnight behind me.

Then I turned and glared, moving my paw to the ground outside. The little russet wolf a few feet away looked on, seeming not at all concerned about the dispute, and Slamble simply glared hard at the small yellow wolf, who returned it with a grimace.

"Why don't you make me go in, rat-face?" I said, because I knew it would make him angry, and be funny for Diamond.

Spittle flew from his lips at that and a very angered look developed in his eyes, as I expected it to.

Just as planned, Diamond started laughing still as I scooped her up with my tail and kept her close to me.

See, if you want to know anything about wolves, it's that nothing gets them more riled up than insults, and lucky for me, that was one of the things I was good at.

"Okay, then, kitty-kitty. Maybe I will!"

Rack shoved my backside and I stumbled a little but still remained rooted to the spot, hissing at his touch. I calmed down and batted my eyelids delicately at him.

"Jeez, I'd almost say that.. Well, maybe you're too weak to make me go in."

Skycat, talk about mental! His teeth started snapping, nostrils flared, ears flattening, even his ugly pelt fluffed out along his back and neck-fur.

Slamble suddenly jumped up to interfere, his lip slightly curled, and pink stained teeth peeking out below it.

Trotting forward to a snarling Rack, he snapped his teeth at the small young wolf before shoving him away and taking his place in front of me.

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