CHAPTER 16- Spirit: Fishing Day

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Surprisingly, everyone was awake, and I undoubtedly had the thought that Midnight must have woken my sisters up for my return.

"There's clean water nearby, and fish," I mewed to everyone while I padded up.

Fallan, who was all most done with a mole, sprang up first, looking a little too exited as you probably would have guessed.

"Yes! I'm soo thirsty!" Followed by Fallan was Hannah, "Okay. Its been so long since I've had fish!"

Midnight, who was the only one not eating anything, spoke next. "Weren't you hunting? Sorry, but there's no more food left. We ate it all."

I flicked my ear at the word we, noticing yet again how skinny the kitten was. She looked at her paws, expecting a punishment. Looking around I could see that the only food that was left was chunks of meat on bones, which was being peeled off by Diamond, who wanted to taste every kind of prey now that she could eat by herself.

I shook my head quick-like. "No, its fine. I can eat fish instead. Did you eat anything?" I didn't have to ask. I already knew she hadn't.

She had told me herself that she didn't get to eat much when she lived near the barn, and she was just the same a few days ago as she is now; skinny, bony frame, ribs showing, almost no muscle beneath her thin pelt.

I wouldn't complain about Diamond's pickings because she was a kit, without the responsibility of hunting or providing food yet (lucky her). But I had a feeling Hannah and Fall an hadn't even offered her any, just gotten up and helped themselves, and that wasn't okay.

Midnight shook her head, just as I thought she would. I turned towards Hannah and Fallan, of which one of the two were looking guilty. Care to guess? It was Hannah, of course. But Fallan didn't even return my icy stares.

Instead, she studied a particular piece of grass on the ground.

Growling, I scolded Hannah and Fallan with what they had had coming all along.

"This is a pride, and in it we share food equally. You are not allowed to touch a peice of prey untill Midnight has eaten something herself. Everyone, including myself, will hunt for Midnight for the next two days."

I turned to the little black kit, expecting to see a grin on her face.

Surprisingly, the expression on her face was only one of embarrassment.

"Really, there's no need. I don't eat that much anyways."

Looking at her calmer than I thought possible, I replied.

"Diamond eats more than you. And you're still a growing kit, an older one at that. You can eat and we will serve you. You don't need to hunt for the next two days." I smiled small.

She opened her mouth to argue, but thought better of it.

Good. She was the only one who had sense not to.

Besides, Hannah and Fallan needed to hunt once in a while, especially while they had good opportunity before winter came upon us. You could tell Coldpaws was approaching by the coolness of the wind.

Hopefully with this new rule Midnight would get the sleep she needed, and some well earned rest and food. She looked tired as it was.

Nodding, I said, "Let's go, then."


"Ugh, well where is it?" Fallan moaned again. "It's taking forever!" I flicked my tail back and forth in annoyance at at the cheetah's complaints.

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