CHAPTER 27- Spirit: Not Good News

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I let my hackles rise, and curled my lip. Who was he to take part in this conversation? He wasn't even apart of the pride!

"No one asked you to butt in," snapped Midnight. I looked sideways at her angry expression, slightly surprised that she'd said such a thing. It might've been because she was annoyed, just as I was, though.

"Sorry." He instantly lowered his head but then straightened up, and I swear I almost smacked a paw across his face for speaking again.

"But the way I see it, we might not be able to find prey like this again for a while, what with Cold-paws on the way. This is a great opportunity to fill our bellies and rest, so that we can travel a farther distance, putting the wolves all the more out of the way."

Oh, and what would you know about wolves, huh?

My anger bubbled over and I was about to attack him when Midnight stepped forward and looked up at me, her purple eyes reflecting the darkening Sky-cat's pelt.

"He has a point, you know. And so does Hannah, and I'm not going to repeat what they said just for argument's sake, but I do believe that it's a good idea. It's your decision, though." And my eyebrows raised.

"You're the leader. He just doesn't have a say in it, though."

I was the leader? Oh really? Then why were all of my cats challenging me at every turn?

My thoughts came back to my earlier conversation with Midnight when I had almost bursted in the heat of the moment.

A small ounce of understanding came over me as I reasoned with what they had said, and they all stared expectantly.

Nobody was doing anything, so it looked like we were going despite the odds.

It didn't mean I had to like it, though. I did, however, appreciate how Midnight seemed to have a disliking for Storm as well, though, but they were both on the other side.

Fallan looked at me innocently as if she were starving, Hannah twitched her tail impatiently as Midnight lowered her head, avoiding eye contact.

Storm simply looked at me, expressionless as always but waiting for my response.

With a jolt I realized someone was missing.

"Wait a second... Where's Diamond?" Fallan jerked up, as if waking from a trance, and immediately flattened her ears. Oh boy, not a good sign.

"Oops... I forgot her."

"You idiot!" Me and Hannah both said at the same time, and I felt my anger peak.

Hannah stalked up to her 'sister', and stood with her muzzle inches from Fallan's.

"I won't trust you to watch Diamond ever again! Can't you do anything right?"

Exactly true! How could she be so stupidly foolish!? Diamond could have gotten stolen by wolves, or possibly tried to hunt one of the hogs and maybe got injured somehow. Or just got lost!

"Haven't I got enough to worry about without your dumb everyday mistakes?" I spat, then felt guilty as Fallan winced and dug her claws in the dust, looking guilty and upset at me for yelling.

"Sorry..." The cubby cheetah mewed, looking at her paws.

"But if you weren't stressing me out before I wouldn't have forgot left her. You distracted me?"

"You shouldn't have forgotten her in the-" I said with a growl, then was cut off by Hannah.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Her troubled voice made my anxiety sky-rocket, so I pushed Fallan aside roughly with my shoulder.

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