CHAPTER 18- Spirit: A Putrid Smell

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Someone spoke, so I curled my tail over my nose instinctively to try and fall asleep again. There was no warmth in the air, meaning it was still night. The Sky-cat herself was resting still.


The voice was louder this time, probably Fallan waking me up for the prey we had saved last night. Weakened sunlight warmed my eyelids as I moved.


Something cold touched my muzzle, far bigger than a cat nose.

I didn't need to see it because I smelled it first.


The putrid smell of them filled my nostrils so much I wanted to choke, so I backed up from the two large heads in front of me and accidentally stepped on Fallan's face. They were filling the entire entryway now, cutting off all the light and air.

I could hear Diamond giggling behind me, and trapped her behind my leg and tail so she wouldn't run to the entrance where these danger was. I tried to turn and nudged Hannah, suddenly feeling very trapped.

My ears were back and my fur fluffed to twice it's size. There was no room in here to fight! I would have to risk injuring the kits if I tried to shove my way through.

Midnight was already awake, and I realized she was what the hissing noise from earlier had came from.

Her eyes were narrow slits, claws fully out with her fur fluffed out; particularly along her spine. She must have looked the spitting image of how I felt, after feeling the fear of wolves in my dreams.

Fallan's snores filled the cramped space again despite the fact that I'd stepped on her. A low, throaty growing came from one of the wolves in front blocking the entrance. Full of fear, I backed up and tried to see; but their outlines were brighter and their faces darkened.

Hannah awoke then, realized the situation, and began a low screech of horror.

I naturally did the same, fluffing up my fur and flattening my ears. These wolves should realize how many cats they were up against.

The wolf with a wider head and shoulders spoke again, in a deep chested tone.

"Well, hello. I hope this is a great morning welcome for you all," he said, sounding malice as if he was sure that nothing would go wrong for him.

I swallowed and hissed as loud as I could, tempted to lash out but nervous about how they could easily get the fighting advantage with everyone cramped up against each other.

We should have just kept traveling yesterday, I realized with a start. Because if we had, they might not have caught up with us.

I stepped on Fallan again, this time aiming for her ribs and harder so she'd wake up and realize the situation before us. She was squashed roughly against some splintered wood.

She rolled over again, her legs digging into a wall of bark, and tried to stretch. Diamond had to hop over her to avoid getting pushed aside. I heard a yawn and grunt and the cheetah finally rose up and tossed her head with messy fur.

Her eyes were now huge and round, and her fur fluffed out slowly, as if she was scared out of her skin

Which, she probably was.

"As soon as I breathed in..."

She didn't get the chance to finish her whisper. Fallan's pelt pressed up against mine, her hackles prickly against my shoulder. I knew anyways that she would have finished with "I remembered what that scent was."

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