CHAPTER 72- Storm: Almost There

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Spirit was close to me again, causing my heart to swell and paws to get heavier. It was a normal routine for her to walk beside me now, and I was so happy I could finally express my feelings. Hopefully, she felt the same.

She was perfect. I'd noticed all of these things before, but; her fur was golden, like a yellow-orange ray of light. The tear lines around her muzzle and eyes made her look dainty and cute, but I knew she was dangerous when threatened. Her fur, softer than feathers, was great to be against. And her eyes... They were like a deep lake during winter, frozen and reflecting a blue sky.

I never knew there would be something I would enjoy as much as having a mate, especially when we're talking about Spirit.

But, were we really mates? The past few days, getting closer to her had also worried me. Spirit liked to show affection more at night than during the day. Did that mean she didn't want to be mates openly, to the rest of the pride?

I have to ask her soon. Even though I hadn't said the words yet, I knew I loved her. She was so strong willed but I wanted to be there when she wasn't, to help in the ways that Midnight probably had been. Hopefully, she knew she could trust me with anything.

We stopped only once to hunt today, but after nests were made for the night me, Aspen, Midnight and Spirit were awake and cleaning our pelts after the meal. Hannah, Fallan and Diamond slept close by and I recalled how it had been us just like this, in a group and discussing what to do next after Blaze had died. Fallan, Hannah and Diamond had stayed to the side while we'd ran the pride and decisions as a team.

"I can't believe we're so close! I'm excited to get there," Aspen confessed, cleaning his claws. He'd made a messy catch earlier, but had tracked down a rabbit through some thick undergrowth beside a river. Secretly, I was proud of him. Aspen had learned a good number of hunting moves from me since he joined us in this journey. So had Diamond, who was exceptional except at remembering to check the wind direction.

We went on to enthuse about it, knowing that the destination was just a week away.

"Spirit, I think I have something stuck in my paw. Will you look at it?"

Midnight seemed a bit obvious in trying to speak to Spirit alone, but I turned away as if I didn't notice. A tiny twinge of jealousy entered my chest, and I didn't understand why Aspen seemed completely at ease with the two she-cats moving off together.

"What's that about?"

"Not sure," he shrugged. "Might find out when they get back."

The she-cats talked for a long while, a ways up the hill to where they couldn't be heard. They were speaking quickly and intently to each other, both bent forward. By the time they came back it was pitch black outside, and my paws were itching with curiousity. Were we going to take a new route to Cheetah Pride or something? But we were so close already...

"We need to wake up the other cats," Midnight said.

My first reaction was obviously surprise, because they'd been asleep for an hour or so now. I looked at Aspen.

"Why?" I asked, wondering if Aspen was going to question his mate. But he didn't, just looked at Midnight as if he was guessing what the reason was. What does he know that I don't? An unsettling feeling developed in my stomach.

"We'll tell everyone at once." Spirit said. I caught her gaze immediately- she looked nervous but determined. Whatever she needed to say, it had to come out- so I went to wake up Hannah and Fallan. Diamond was old enough to be involved now, and sat up with an ungroomed pelt.

The cheetahs also had ruffled fur and were grumpy to be woken up, but sat down quietly beside Spirit. I was a bit disappointed that my spot was now taken, but figured I should sit close to Diamond while she was tired instead. When no cat spoke, the calico opened her jaws in a wide yawn.

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