Chapter 79- Spirit: Last

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Shadow drew me aside with him, where no other cat or the members of his pack could hear. I had to push all the confused, swirling thoughts away- but what I still felt was gratitude for knowing that Hannah would be content, and that I'd seen my mother one more time.

When I sat down, the older brown dog with floppy ears sat with me and observed everyone else. Bronze had announced he was joining with Hawk's Pride, and that he would not need to search for territory. I was relieved that he now had somewhere to go where he, too would be safe. His sons could create a legacy in the group with young she-cats, and make Hawk's pride stronger as well.

Fallan hadn't left Diamond's side, and their heads were bent together now. Diamond's sadness had been lifted to a large extent after Fallan returning to her side but I knew she would miss her foster mother-cat for a long time yet. I knew me and Fallan had a lot of emotions to express together, about coming muzzle-close to Quri and saying little-to-nothing because of astonishment. But that was for another time.

Storm and Aspen were marveling over the battle and sharing the best fighting moves they'd used, and Midnight had gone to the river with Shine the pregnant cheetah, who had not taken part in the war. Perhaps they were fishing, and Midnight was letting the cheetah know just how bad the battle had been.

"I wanted to ask you something," Shadow said without turning his head, and instead fixed his eyes on the four dogs who were standing away from the mass of cats. They looked very different, in the way that this brown dog differed from my larger and longer frame. My paws were spotted and furry, while his were smaller and had blunt black claws.

"Go ahead," I ushered and hoped he wasn't about to say he must leave. It was such a selfish thought because the dogs were so wounded, but now I felt I wanted Shadow's company more than ever.

"I was wondering if I could join your Pride," he asked with a small thump of his tail.

"You don't have to ask twice. You were here with us, in my dreams."

Shadow smiled though I thought a dog smile was kind of odd, then nodded my head towards the pack members that were left.

"I know that isn't all of your pack. They must be back in the city- who will lead them now?" I hoped the question didn't sound rude, but those dogs had helped us in many ways, and been put through trials because of it.

"Most of them escaped when the wolves came, but it's okay. I'm having Ranger go lead them now, and gather the pack together again." I flicked my ears in response, knowing well that I had no idea how pack's worked.

"That's good," I murmured and longed for Storm to be by my side again, comforting me from loosing my sister and being left with more questions than I had before about my mother. What had her life been like before us? Were we the only litter she'd had in her shortened life-span? Why couldn't I ever ask her what my father-cat was like, and where he went before the wolves came?

"I know you are troubled," Shadow confided, allowing his fur to brush mine lightly. It was much stiffer, and cold from the night air.

"But this isn't the end- it's the beggining of something huge. You can establish this territory and make the hunting grounds your own."

"Our own," I corrected him and looked up at the night sky that would soon pale towards dawn. After my mother had came, I didn't feel the scratches on my pelt anymore. Only hope and loss at the same time.

"Thank you," Shadow said before he began to move away. I cocked my head, slightly embarrassed because he had nothing to thank for.

"For what?"

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