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Jelena's POV

Today I'm going to California to visit my brother Justin. Or people might know him as JC caylen. The boy from o2l. But I don't want to be known as a famous person's sister. I want to be known just as Jelena Caylen.

I was dressed and ready to leave.
(Her outfit is above)
I texted JC that I was about to leave to the airport.

Big bro:ok I'll pick you up when you land

Me: ok gtg bye

Big bro: ok be safe

I turn my phone off and got my stuff and took an uber to the air port.

We then get to the airport and before boarding, I decided to get some Starbucks.

Later I was now on the plane ready to take off before taking off I text JC telling him I'm about to take off, and then text my mom that I made it safe.

Here I come California!!!


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