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If you're wondering what jelena looks like this is her^^^^


Now we finally make it to JC's and his friend's apartment. I grabbed my back pack and Jc grabbed my suitcase.

We walked up to an elevator and it brought us to the lobby. Then we had to go to another elevator and it brought us to the floor that they were on.

We walk up to a door that said '615'. So I'm guessing it's there apartment. Jc unlocks the door and he opens it for me. I looked around and it looks amazing.

"Ok so you're going to sleep in my room an I'll sleep upstairs with Kian." He said.

"Oh Kian is your friend." I said.

"Yeah he'll be here soon." He said. I nodded my head. I walked into a room that was down stairs and I noticed it was his. Because he had Vega's cat toys on his desk.

I lay my bag on his bed and took my phone out and went on snapchat because snapchat is my life. And I noticed someone added me. I checked it and it was someone who's user name is 'Swifferme' but I didn't recognize the person so I didn't add them back.

"What's up guys, you are watching knj vlogs." Jc said.

"Jc what are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm vlogging for me and Kian's YouTube channel, here say hi." He said pointing the camera at me.

"Hi." I said.

"So you guys this is my sister Jelena. She is staying here in LA for a while and I'm excited, are you."

"Kinda." I said unsure.


"I mean yeah like, back at home you will always do something, like a prank. I'm scared that you might prank me."  I said.

"Don't worry I won't prank you, maybe." He said. I just looked at him.

Now it was just me, Jc, Vega, wishbone and and his friend Kian's dog, hazel. I was laying on his bed and he was on at his desk on his computer, when we hear the door open and two male voices come in.

"Jc!" A male voice yelled.

"I'm in my room." He responded.

First a guy who had a bag in his hand, wearing a New York Giants sweatshirt, and with dark brown hair with a beard comes in and looks at me.

"Oh uhh hey." He said.

"Hi" I responded

"Oh Dom this is my sister jelena, Jelena this is my friend Dom." Jc introduced him to me.

I waved and then another guy comes in. He was tall, had brown hair, brown eyes, tattoos on both arms, a great smile. He also looked at me, but for some reason I just couldn't look away.

"Oh Jelena this is kian my best friend." He said.

"Hey" Kian said.

"Hey." I said back. He looked down and bit his lip, and I blushed a little.

"Ok so you guys Jelena will be here for a while and her birthday is coming up. Sooooo we are gonna go out to eat and maybe come back and have a few drinks." Jc said.

"Oh your turning 21?" Dom asked.

"No, I'm turning 20, but I don't care I still drink." I said.

"I like her already!" Dom said making us all laugh a little.

"So when's your birthday?" Kian asked.

"It's actually today because it's like 12:30 am so." I said. He nodded.
We were talking for a little, but then it was like 1 in the morning so everyone was getting ready for bed.

Before going to bed I was kinda thirsty so I walk out the room and saw Kian.

"Hey, do you have a water bottle?"

"Uhh yeah." He said and got me one.

"Thanks. So you are the one who sleeps up stairs." I said starting a conversation.

"Uh yeah." He chuckled.

"Not to be weird, but can I have your number so like we can...you know keep in touch, even though you'll be down stairs" he asked.

"Sure." I said giving him my number and he gives me his.

"So do you have snapchat, or Instagram..." I asked.

"Yeah, my snapchat is swifferme, but everything else is just kianlawley." He said.

"Oh so you're swifferme, you added me on snapchat." I said.

"Yeah you were on quick add so I just did it." He said.

"Oh ok, well it is late and I'm tired as hell so I'm gonna go to bed." I said.

"Ok well goodnight and happy birthday." He said.

"Oh yeah, thanks." I said and gave him a smile. I then walked in Jc's room because  I'm sleeping in there, and I went right to bed. This may be the best visit ever. But who knows what can happen.

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