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Today is my cousin's birthday and me and Jc flew all the way to San Antonio, Texas. We went to our dads house and since the party was today I had to start getting ready.

(Makeup and dress above)

As I was doing my hair my little cousin walked in the room.

"Jelena!!!" She yelled.

"Hey little cuz!!" I said back giving her a hug.

"Happy 16th birthday!" I added.

"Thanks, so do you want to see my dress?" She asked.

"Well since your hair and makeup is done, I want you to put the dress on then show me." I said.

"Alright I'll be back." She said.

I finished my hair and FaceTime Cameron.

"Hey love." He said.

"Hey, so do you like the dress?" I asked.

"Yes you look beautiful in it." He said making me blush.

"Hey Jelena, ready to see it." My little cousin asked.

"Who is that?" Cameron asked.

"It's my cousin." I said.

"Yeah come here and let my boyf- my friend see it." I said.
She walked in and it was a light pink dress.

 She walked in and it was a light pink dress

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"Do you like it?" She asked.

"Yeah you look beautiful." I said. "Cameron look at her."

"Wow, she looks amazing. Tell her I said happy birthday." He said and I gave her my phone.

"Thank yo- OMG YOU'RE CAMERON FREAKIN DALLAS!!!" She yelled.

"Haha yep." He said.

"oh my god ok, well thank you but I gotta go and call my best friend and let her know that Cameron Dallas wished me Happy birthday!" She said and quickly left. I laughed.

Later on after the party we went back to our dads house and me and Jc sat on top of the roof.

"Hey you want some." Jc asked taking out a joint.

"Jc are you crazy, dad can smell that." I said.

"Dad is about to go to sleep. Come on." He said.

"Fine but if we get in trouble you better take the blame." I said. He lit it up and inhaled. Then he passed it to me. We did this for the rest of the night and went back in side because we are leaving tomorrow.

JC's younger sister ~k.lWhere stories live. Discover now