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A few weeks later

So me and Kian were supposed to hang out and go out and have fro-yo but he never came to my house. So I just went to his.

When I got to his house he was ending a video with his friends. I walked towards him and he jumped up.

"Hey babe!" He said in a funny voice.

"Hey uh, when were you planing on coming to my house." I said.

"Oh I'm sorry, Ricky over here, took me and Jc's phone, wallet and keys. So I couldn't text you." He said.

"Oh yeah sorry it was all my fault." Ricky said.

"It's ok." I said.

"Come." Kian said. He brought me up stairs and into his room. He closed the door and he jumped on the bed. He told me to come over. So I did and he pulled me on top of him. We made out that's all.

Then Jc came back from his date with a girl and then they started to make there video.

It was kinda funny when they filmed there video. I laughed when they shaved a part of Kian's head.

2 days later

So me and Kian got in to an argument about something stupid. So I was mad and so I left his house mad and I guess he thought I broke up with him without me saying it so he texted me.

My love❤️: are we over?

Me: idk I just need to calm down and to just be alone.

My love❤️: ok lmk when we can talk.

I just didn't reply.

The next day

I went to Kian's house and he was filming a video with these twins. And honestly he looks good. I guess they gave him a makeover.

"Jelena?" Kian said. He got up and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't means to get mad last night." He said.

"It's ok I'm ok, go finished the video and meet me in your room." I said with a wink. He kissed me and walk back and sat back down.

"Hey this is no time for kissing we are filming" Jc yelled.

I went up stairs to his room and lied down on his bed. A little bit later Kian came in and closed his door. He walked over to me and came on top of me. He started kissing me and went down my neck. But I stopped him.

"Babe I'm on my period." I said. He looked sad. He he last time me and him did it was at Hawaii and that was it.

He got up and went in his closet he changed out of the clothes he had on to sweat pants and a black t.

We went down stairs and there was barely anyone here so he decided to hang out with me and stay over at my place.

JC's younger sister ~k.lWhere stories live. Discover now