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Next day

I woke up with a big headache. I can't really remember last night. All I remember is dancing with Cameron and seeing Kian mad.

But I got up and went to take a shower. I go to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. But I got in the shower. I did what I had to do then got out then I got dressed. After getting dressed I did my hair then did my makeup.
(Outfit and hair and makeup is above)

Now that I'm done I cleaned up my mess. Then I was looking for Jc to see if he can get me some breakfast.

"Jc!?" I yelled.

"Yeah." He said.

"Can you get me breakfast and I'll pay you back?" I asked him.

"I'll get you breakfast but you don't have to pay me back." He said. He then grabbed his keys and started walking out the door. Before walking out Kian was there.

"Oh I was gonna ask if we were still going to go to the store to get our stuff for the video." Kian said.

"Oh well since your going to the store can you get Jelena breakfast and I'll pay you back." Jc said.

"Sure, do you want to come with me." Kian asked me. I nodded my head and walked out with Kian.

Later on

We were in the car laughing about something he did.

"Yo why did you give her that face." I laughed.

"Well she didn't say have a nice day so I said, thanks you too." He said making the face he did before.

I was eating a bagel that Kian bought for me to eat. We were driving and I noticed Kian looking at my bagel.

"Do you want a bite." I said. He nodded his head looking like a five year old. I put it by his mouth and he took a big bite.

"Damn." I said. He chuckled.

I went on my phone and went on snapchat. I then took a pic of me and Kian. I was smiling with my eyes closed. Kian made one of those funny faces. I posted it and we kept driving.

We got to the store and Kian grabbed a kart and I sat inside of it. We go inside and went to some Isles and got some stuff. As we were shopping a fan spotted him and I together.

"Kian do you mind if I can take a picture with you?" She said in a shy way.

"Yeah sure. Jelena wanna take it."

"Sure." I said and he hand me her phone and I took some pictures. After taking the picture she whispered in his ear. And he nodded his head no. Then she left and me and Kian kept shopping.

"So what did she whisper in your ear?" I asked curious.

"Oh uh... she asked I-if we were...dating." He said scratching his head.

"Oh." Was all I said.

Now things were awkward between me and Kian. We both became really quite. We were then done shopping and Kian paid for his stuff and we went to his car.

As we were driving home he put on some music. He put on do you mind by DJ khaled

"I love this song." I said. And started singing.

'He ain't messing with no average chick pop pop, he got Nicki he know that he hit the jackpot'

I can feel Kian staring at me and smiling at me. I turned to him and he was. I smiled back. And we kept driving home.

We got home and Jc was with Dom and Jc had set up the camera for the video.

"Hey." I said walking in.

"Hey, so now you guys are dating?" Jc asked.

"What no, who told you that?" Kian asked.

"It's all over Twitter. With a picture." Jc said.

I went on twitter and the first thing that popped up was a picture of me and Kian at the store.

I mean Kian is really cute but he's my brothers best friend. It'll be to weird for him.

"It's not true so don't believe it." I said. I went to Jc's room and went on snapchat. I made a video telling every one that me and Kian are just friends, and said that it'll be weird because he was my brothers friend.

Then I got bored and I went live on Instagram.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Ok so a lot of you are asking where is jc and he is over there making a video." I said pointing the camera toward them.

I got up and sat on the kitchen counter watching Kian and Jc filming there video. They finished there video and I was still live so Jc went to go edit and Kian came to bother me.

"Heeeeey." He said into my phone.

"Ok guys imma go because Kian is bothering me."

"I'm not bothering you." He said.

"Yes you are." I said. " ok bye guys."

"You're so annoying." I laughed.

"Oh really." He said getting closer. He was really close. I look at his lips. They look so soft. I just wanna...

"Kian!!" Jc yelled. Me and Kian jumped.

"Y-yeah" Kian says nervously.

"Haha come look at this part of the video it's funny." Jc said. Kian looked at me and then walked to Jc's room.

Whoa, were me and Kian about to kiss. Why did Jc call him. I should have kissed him.

JC's younger sister ~k.lWhere stories live. Discover now