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A few days later

Today I'm going with AnneMarie to a place, and we can have a little photo shoot. We also brought the guys. But we go to a place that is out of town. It looks like a beach that no one goes to.

"You ready for this?" She asked. I nodded and we all got out the car. We walked by the water and I started snapping pictures.

An hour later

"Wow, this looks absolutely amazing." AnneMarie said. Look at the pictures I took.

After looking at some pictures we all went back to the house. We get to the the house and me and Kian went to the roof.

We got on to the roof and we just lied down there.

"When are we gonna tell your brother? You know about us." He asked.

"Maybe tomorrow, I don't know." I said.

"I just hope that we stay together." I added.

I looked at him then he looked at me. Then we leaned in and I can feel his hot breath on my lips. We were only centimeters away from each other. Then I had gotten a phone call.

"Oh, my dad." I said. Then I answered.

"Hey dad."

"Yeah I'll be there."

"Ok, bye, love you."

"My dad is here with my little sister Eva." I said. He got up and then helped me up.

"Ok well we should go down there." He said.

Then I pulled him closer.
"Wait a second, we started something now we have to finish it." I said. He smiled and kissed me.

"Ok now we can go." I said. Then we went back to the apartment.

As I walked in Eva ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Hi Lena I missed you." She said.

" I missed you too" I said and she smiled.

"Hi dad." I said and he walked over to me and I gave him a hug.

"How you been, everything ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine." I said.

"Lena when are we going to your house?" Eva asked.

"Soon but let dad hang out for a little bit." I said.

"Ok, hi Vega." She said going to the cat.

"Hey Jelena I have a surprise for you." Kian said.

He went up stairs and Jc gave me a confused look. I just shrugged.

He comes down with a kitten. This was the kitten that I wanted when we went to that place where you can pet the cats.

 This was the kitten that I wanted when we went to that place where you can pet the cats

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"Omg, he is so cute." Eva said.

"I know he is." I said. Everyone thought I was talking about the kitten but I was talking about Kian.

"Thank you Kian." I said. I went to the little couch that they had and sat on it with Eva and we played with the cat.

Jc's pov

Ok so Kian got Jelena a cat. He is always invited her to places. They are always together. They have done everything together. I see the way he looks at her, and the way she looks at him.

I have a feeling that they like each other or they are dating but didn't tell me.

I just hope he doesn't hurt her because if he does there will be a big problem, and me and would probably never speak to each other again.

JC's younger sister ~k.lWhere stories live. Discover now