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The next day

I woke up and got dressed. Then I went to the bathroom and did my hair and makeup.
(Makeup and outfit^)

I then went to Kian's room and asked him if he can drive me to this apartment that I want to get and he can give me his opinion.

"Ready to go." He asked grabbing his keys. I nodded and we headed to his car.

We then make it to the apartment and it was huge.

We then make it to the apartment and it was huge

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Wow. I really like it so much. Me and Kian loved it. We looked around and he was on snapchat recording me.

"Ok, Jelena, I see you with you new apartment." He said.

"So what do you think?" The man selling it asked.

"I'll take it." I said.

"Good choice, this apartment is very beautiful." He said.

I signed a check and gave it to him. Then followed him to sign papers. Kian was taking pictures in front of the huge mirror.

Later on we went back to his house and I decided to tell Jc.

"Jc!!! Guess who's moving in LA?"

"You are?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. And I went and got my stuff.

"Well do you have an apartment already?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm going shopping tomorrow." I said.

After talking to Jc I got a text from Cameron.

Cam😜: hey come to the lobby

Me: ok

I walked out the apartment and went to the lobby. I get to the lobby and I saw Cameron on his phone.

"Hey." I said and he got up and gave me a hug.

"So I have a question?" He said.

"And I have an answer." I said.

"Um so, my cousin is have a little dinner thing on the beach, and I was wondering if you would be my date?" He said.

"I would love to. But when because I am moving into my new apartment for the next 3 days, and I have a birthday party I'm going to on Friday." I said.

"The dinner is Sunday." He said.

"Oh ok, then yeah I would love to be your date." I said. Blushing.

"Oh yeah I forgot, you got your own apartment. Do you need help with anything?" He asked.

"No it's ok, Kian and Jc are helping me, but thanks." I said.

"Well I have to go, but I'll text you tomorrow maybe." He said.

"Ok bye." I said giving him a hug.

"Bye." He said and he kissed my cheek.

Omg he just freakin kissed me on my cheek. I went up to the guys apartment and they had ordered me Chinese which is my favorite.

JC's younger sister ~k.lWhere stories live. Discover now