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Today is Cameron's photo shoot and I'm going and today is AnneMarie's birthday and so she will be at Kian and Jc's and I miss her so I'm going there later. So I got up and got ready. (Outfit, makeup n hair^)

After that I got my phone and called cam. He answered and said that he was in the parking lot. I got out the elevator and out the lobby. He was right there waiting. I get in the car and we drove to a building. We got out and we walked inside. Inside there was lights every where on the wall there was a white background there were clothes and a few people.

"Hey Cameron are you ready to start shooting?" A lady asked.

"Yeah let's do this." He said.

"Oh your girlfriend is so pretty." She said.

"Oh no she's not,"

"We aren't dating." I said.

"Oh well you guys would look like a good couple." She said and walked away. Cam walked with her to get ready.

He comes out walking in a funny way. After a few pics they had a break. I walked over to him but not to close.

"Hey so I'm gonna leave in a lil because today is my best friend's birthday and she'll be at my brothers house." I said.

"Oh ok do you want me to drive you home?" He asked.

"Um do you mind." I asked.

He smiled and grabbed his keys. We walked out and he drove me back home. I get to my house and grabbed my keys and went to my car. I got in and went to Jc's house.

When I get to the house I walked in and saw AnneMarie. I ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"Girl I missed you so much!" I said.

"Oh my gosh me too." She said.

"Happy birthday." I said.

"Well thank you imma bout to turn up with all of my friends and I'm excited." She said.

I then went upstairs and went to Kian's room but he wasn't there I went to Jc's and he was there with Jc, Bobby, and Franny but Franny sound like she is high or something.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked.

"Fran got her wisdom teeth out and she is gonna take a nap here but she is in so much pain to we are giving her medicine." Jc said.

"Hey jel." Kian said and gave me a kiss.

"Hey so what are we doing tonight?" I asked.

"We are gonna go out." They said.

"No then I'm not I'll feel bad for Fran, I'm staying then." I said.

I went downstairs and told AnneMarie that I can't go out and why. But I just feel so bad. So every on left and I stayed with Fran Kian tried to stay but I told him to go.

I want him to have fun.

Ok so ik that AnneMarie's birthday was months ago but I needed an idea so I said hat today is her birthday.

Go check out Franny's new video as well bc is really funny and it's about her getting her wisdom teeth out so yeah

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