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Today I got dressed and I was gonna go to Kian's house but first I wanted to go to 7-eleven to get ice coffee and a little bowl of fruit.

I was gonna pay until someone behind me said, "I'll pay." I turned around and Cameron was there with a soda and some snacks.

"Cam you don't really have to." I said feeling bad.

"I know but I want to." He said and smiled.

I moved to the side and he put his stuff next to mine. "All together?" The cashier asked and cam nodded.

Cam then walked me to my car and I got in and we started talking at my window.

"We should hang because to be honest I kinda miss hanging with you." He said.

"Me too." I said.

"Hey so I have a photo shoot tomorrow wanna come." He asked.

"Sure what time." I asked.

"I'll text you when I'll pick you up." He said.

"Ok then I'll see you tomorrow." I said. He nodded and I drove to Kian's house.

When I got to his house people were vlogging and Kian was sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey Kian. Is it ok if we talk." I asked. Everyone looked towards me.

"Ooo Kiki did something now he's in trouble." Jc said.

"Dude shut the fuck up." He said and we went to the back and sat in the chairs.

"What's up." He asked.

"Ok so I heard that your fans think you and Franny are low key dating but I just wanted to know if you do have feelings for her or do you flirt with her?"

"No babe I don't have feelings for her ok maybe I flirt but I always flirt I'm a flirtatious guy." He said.

"I don't like her, ok." He said and he kissed me.

I mean I do believe him and I do love him I just want to make sure because if he did then I would of work something out and maybe break up with him but he said he doesn't like her.

JC's younger sister ~k.lWhere stories live. Discover now