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Jelena's pov

Right now I'm going to the airport to go to California. I'm so excited to see my brother and now that I'm turning 20 I just, want to have fun.

I make it to the airport and I checked the time and noticed that I'm gonna be late for my flight so now I have to run. Plus I didn't have as much bags. All I had was a backpack and a suitcase.

But anyways, I ran to security and they checked my bags, now I have to run all the way to my gate before it closes.

5 minutes later and I make it to my gate in time. Now I'm ready to go see my brother.

After the flight

The plane landed and now I'm in California.
I text Jc telling him I landed.

Me: hey I just landed
Big bro: ok I'm about 20 minutes away
Me: ok I'll be at Starbucks
Big bro: you are always at Starbucks
Me: shut up and just come and get me

I turned my phone off and walked to Starbucks. I then get my Starbucks and walked out side. Cool air hit my face and I look up to see the stars and the moon.
Then I heard someone honk a horn. I looked to see Jc coming out of his car. Then he ran over to me.

"Jc!" I yelled in excitement. He ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"I miss you so much." He said breaking the hug.

"Me too." I said. "Ok well I'll take your stuff and you can get in the car." He said. I gave him my stuff and he put my stuff in the trunk.

I got in the car and went on snapchat. And I was looking through some stories until Jc came in the car.


"Yeah" I responded. He then began driving.

As we were driving I went back and on snapchat and took a pic of out side. It was dark and late.

I then turn my phone off and listen to music with my brother

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I then turn my phone off and listen to music with my brother.

JC's younger sister ~k.lWhere stories live. Discover now