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"Duuude" Kian yelled at Jc.

So I'm at Kian and Jc's house and they are filming a video where Jc does Kian's makeup. And he looks horrible.

"Babe give me a kiss" Kian said laughing.

"No my make up is perfect and your not ruining it." I said and they then finished the video.

"Jc you should let me do your makeup." I said.

"No, sorry sis I love you but your not doing my make up." He said.

"Babe come here so I can take it off." I said and he came and sat on the chair he was on in the video. I grabbed makeup wipes and started to take it off. Every time I would wipe his face he made a funny face.

"So a friend of mine it having a baby shower and so I want to no if you wanted to come." He asked.

"Yeah I'll go." I said. I finished cleaning his face and he kissed me.

After that me and Kian went up on the roof and I wanted to take some pictures of him and the sky or something I see. Then it was getting late so I just went home.

Next day.

Today is the baby shower. And so I started to get ready and I did my make up and hair. (Outfit/makeup/Kian's outfit^)

I was done getting ready and that's when Kian texted me saying he was here to pick me up.

I walk out of my apartment and saw him in his car.

"You look beautiful." He said as I get in the car.

"Thank you, you look good as well." I said and he smiled.

Later on we got to the baby shower and I obviously don't know anyone here. So when we walked in Kian introduced me to his friend. After that we sat at a table. Then his friend came up o him.

"Kian my uncle's, friend's, daughter is a big fan of you do you mind coming to say hi and take a pic with her?" She asked. He nodded his head and got up and told me that he will be right back.

So I'm sitting at the table waiting for Kian and then someone sat next to me. I looked over and it was Cameron.

"Oh hey Cameron." I said.

"Hey what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm with Kian." I said.

"Oh." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

"You look beautiful." He said. We kinda blushed at what he said.

"Thanks." I said with a smile. Then Kian came back. He saw Cameron and his whole attitude changed.

"Hey man." Kian said to Cameron.

"Oh what's up Kian." Cam said and they did there guy hug.

"I didn't know you guys were here." Cam said.

"Yeah I'm friends with the mother of the baby." Kian said.

Cameron just nodded his head and said that he was gonna go to his table. The whole time we were there Kian always held on to me or kept me close.

Omg he's jealous because I used to like Cameron and Cameron used to like me I guess, so Kian is jealous and it's kinda funny.

JC's younger sister ~k.lWhere stories live. Discover now