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She was sitting on the back seat of the car. It was raining, it hasn't stopped since a few weeks now. She never liked the rain but she had missed it. The weather was cold so she was wearing a big winter coat to keep herself warm. There were people rushing on the streets, getting under roofs and running with newspapers on their heads.

"We're home." She heard her mother's voice. She leaned towards the front window and looked at the house in front of her. Her mother turned to check her daughter's expression. She was worried of what HyoJin was thinking.

"Your sister will come late after work, so let's rush inside." The mother said as she opened the girl's door. They both walked faster towards the front door and Hyo waited patiently for her mother to open the door. Once she walked into the house she toured the place. It was pretty and simple. There was a small living room with two light grey couches and a coffee table in the middle with a tv hanging on the wall.

"Do you like it?" She heard her mother's voice as they walked to the kitchen. Hyo nodded as she watched the dining room and the small kitchen. There was a fridge and a small breakfast table next to the sink.

"These are mine and your sister's rooms." Cha Sunjeon said as she pointed at two doors on the hall. Hyo nodded as she brushed her fingertips on the cold wooden doors.

"Your room is upstairs, come on." The mother said as she showed Hyo the way to her room. Upstairs were her room and a bathroom and a big wardrobe. She eyed her eyes around and noticed the walls had a pale blue which she found amusing, she loved the blue color.

"This is yours." Sunjeon finally said pushing the door open. Hyo walked inside a bit hesitant but once she eyed the room she immediately felt comfortable. There was a small single bed in the middle of the room. The roof had different heights which gave the room an interesting vibe. The walls were the same pale blue of the hall upstairs but there was a wall that was lilac. She saw the vanity just in front of her bed, a window seat on the other wall a, desk in another wall, next to the wardrobe.

"Is this okay?" The mother asked. Hyo felt comfortable with the room so she nodded in agreement.

"Kamsahamnida Eomeoni." Hyo said bowing to her mother. Cha Sunjeon felt relief to know that her daughter liked the room. She had painted the walls by herself and left the rooms empty so Hyo could decorate her room by herself, with things that she likes.

"I... I left the walls like this so you can hang anything you want." She spoke her mind. Hyo liked the idea, she has started thinking already about how is she going to decorate her room, she nodded and bowed in gratitude.

"Okay. Here are your stuff – The mother said walking to the walk-in closet and opening the doors – I didn't organized them because I thought that's something you'd like to do by yourself." She said pointing at the suitcases and boxes inside the walk-in closet.

Hyo nodded. "It's okay. I'll do it." She said walking in. The mother smiled and did her way to the door. "I'll prepare dinner, I'll call you when it's ready." She said and closed the door behind her.

The girl looked around her room and sat on the edge of the bed. She felt strange in this house, even thought it was a new feeling, it was comfortable for her somehow. She leaned and turned on the small night lamp that was on her night stand. She smiled when she realized it had a bee figure and the light had a pale yellow effect. The room had different tones of pale colors since some walls were baby blue and others lilac and now the light was a bit yellowish. She stood from the bed and walked again into the closet and opened the suitcases and started organizing the clothes and the rest of her old stuff.

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