t h r e e

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The cold breeze woke up Hyo from her deep sleep. She had fallen asleep after her mom gave her medicine for her fever. The window was opened and the night air had sneaked into her room. She stood from the bed and closed the window when she turned around she found someone staring at her.

She could see the clock behind him, it marked 3:29 a.m. Something in the boy's face told her that he was the one who opened the window. "Did you open the window?" She asked but the vision in front of her disappeared.

Hyo looked down and sighed. It was ridiculous. She couldn't talk to a ghost in her room, it doesn't make any sense, he doesn't exist.

"You don't exist... It's just the fever- She couldn't finish the sentence when the pair of dark eyes appeared right in front of her.

"You were saying?" He asked crossing his arms on his chest.

"AH!" Hyo shouted in surprise widening her eyes and stumbling as she took some steps backwards and she almost hit the floor if it wasn't for the blurry vision that held her.

She quickly moved away and hugged herself. He was cold.

With widened eyes she stared at him. She wasn't crazy, he was standing in front of her. "Not even a thanks?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"Why are we talking at all?" She asked annoyed. It wasn't normal for a person to be talking to a ghost. It was confusing.

"We shouldn't be talking!"He raised an eyebrow demanding better manners from her. She looked at him shocked.

Rolling her eyes she looked away. "Kamsahamnida." She said hesitantly. It was weird to thank a ghost for such a thing. She received a smile from the vision.

"Did you...?" She asked as she pointed to the window, he nodded.


"Why?" She asked confused. She couldn't think about a reason why he would open the window.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me." He said giving his back to her. Hyo looked at him bewildered. His attitude was strange, it was almost as if he was a human. After a few seconds of silence he deigned to speak.

"It was getting hot in here." He said casually. She swallowed hard and walked towards her bed slowly.

"This is so weird. I am sure this is a dream anyways."

"It is not." He said offended as he followed her and sat at the edge of the bed. Hyo looked at him and furrowed her eyes.

"What are you doing here then?"

"This is my place." He said looking around her room. Hyo followed his eyes and then her black eyes met her brown orbs. "This is my room." She said crossing her arms on her chest, he copied her.

"It's mine too. So you should get accustomed." He said moving his lips slowly.

Hyo remained silent for a couple of second as she stared at the vision in front of her. She wondered what his genesis was. Where did he come from? How did he appear here? Was this his previous house?

"Why don't you ask all of those questions instead?" Hyo opened her eyes widely and soon felt her hands shaking.

"Did you read my mind?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"Ani... But judging by the look on your face, it was pretty obvious that you wanted to ask me something so... Go ahead." He said eagerly as he moved and sat better in front of her.

Hyo blinked twice and shook her head. "Please go. I don't think you should be here." The boy rolled his eyes and leaned back resting his body on his hands.

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