n i n e

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Hyo looked for her camera on the walk-in closet but she couldn't find it. She looked for the entire house but it was like the earth had swallowed her camera bag. She looked for her mom and found her cooking their breakfast in the kitchen.

"Eomma... Have you seen my camera?" She asked. Cha Sunjeon froze in her seat and turned around slowly. Her eyes were wide opened and Hyo tilted her head at the nervous figure of her mother.

"Ani... Ani... Uhh maybe it got confused with your sister things while the moving? Why don't you ask her?" She asked and Hyo nodded and walked towards her unnie's room.

After knocking the door she walked inside. "Unnie have you seen my camera?" Sunjin had her eyes stuck on a book but she nodded.

"Ne... It must be on the basement." She said and Hyo smiled. "Kamsahamnida." She said closing the door.

She hasn't visited the basement since they moved here. Her mother and Sunjin had arranged all the moving by themselves, they even brought her stuff to her room before she moved to the house. She walked out of the house and the cold breeze hit her face. She did her way to the backyard and walked towards the basement. It was a small house detached from their house.

She opened the door and the smell of wet wooden hit her. She frowned but still she walked in. Shaking her head she couldn't believe her mother took her camera to a place like this. After looking around for about 15 or twenty minutes, a locker caught her eye. It was in one of the corners in the room, she walked towards it but it had a big lock.

Shrugging she turned around and saw a couple of boxes on top of a desk. She removed the plastic fabric that was covering and found her camera bag. She smiled and took it and returned to the house. She went straight to her room and opened it. There was her camera. Her sister gave it to her as s birthday present 8 years ago. She still had it and it was like a treasure for her.

She realized she had a lot of memory cards so she grabbed the ones that were still new from the package and opened one and placed it on the camera. She didn't have a computer now so she couldn't see the pictures in a laptop nor erased the ones she had taken before and remained in those memory cards. So she decided to open a new one and take pictures for Tae.

She placed it and turned on the camera. Fortunately the battery had two lines and she smiled. She put the camera on her backpack and downstairs she grabbed her breakfast and then left to go to college.

On her way to the subway station she took a few pictures of the streets she walked. The light was perfect since it was morning. She captured a few stores and some intersections on the road, same happened in the subway, she took pictures inside the train and then on her way to the college.

She spent the whole day thinking about the places she'd go in the afternoon to take pictures. She almost didn't pay attention to the classes just to think of this. She was really excited at the thought of him remembering his previous life.

The classes finished and she walked out of the school, a loud male familiar voice called her name and she stopped down street.

"Hyo-yah!" Namjoon shouted as she turned around to welcome him with a tender smile.

"Namjoon-ah" She said. He stopped running and leaned on his knees to catch a breath.

"Where are you going?" He asked once he was able to talk. Hyo thought about telling him that she was going to take pictures around the city but then she thought he'd ask the reason why and then she wouldn't be able to give him one.

"Uhh... Home." She said but he frowned and then looked around. "But the train station is that way." He said pointing to the other side of the road. Hyo laughed nervously as she nodded.

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