f o u r

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After reading the first ten chapters of a book that the literature teacher send them to read, Hyo closed the book and sat straight in bed. She looked around her room and wondered where he was? It has been two days since the last time they spoke and she couldn't believe she was thinking about a ghost.

She shook her head and sighed as she pulled the book on top of the nightstand. She reached her phone and unlocked it but then the book flew away and landed on the floor at the other side of the room. She quickly looked up and met Taehyung's dark eyes staring at her.

He looked annoyed and she wondered if it was angry still due to their last conversation.

Don't get mistaken... Just because I wanted to know your name and age doesn't mean we're friends

Hyo blinked twice as Tae's translucent reflection remained motionless standing at the end of the bed. She swallowed hard and tried to talk but couldn't find the right words. She didn't know what to say? The whole situation was absurd.

"Hi." She managed to say. He sighed heavily and looked down. It seemed like something was bothering him.

"Are you angry at me?" She found herself asking. She was in fact scared to death. She had noticed how powerful he was, he could keep her locked inside any room if he wanted and she knew her mother would never believed her so she was afraid and she thought it was better if she acted nice towards him so she could avoid her unlucky future.

He remained silent, staring at her. Hyo looked down at the sheets and breathed heavily. "Please... Don't lock me ever again." Her voice was soft and even sweet. She was surprised she managed to speak in such a tender way to someone who had done nothing but scared her since the first day she moved.

He looked down at her hands but remained motionless. Hyo looked up at him and realized his eyes looked lost. "Do you want to play the asking game perhaps-

"You should be studying." He cut her off as he looked at her with annoyed eyes. Hyo frowned and tilted her head.

"I just studied-

"Well study more!" He said throwing the book on the bed. She looked at the book and then back at him.

"So you're mad at me... May I know the reason?" She insisted as she crossed her arms on her chest. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Study!" He exclaimed. Luckily he didn't sound angrier nor violent, it was more like he was annoyed.

"What do you care? It's not like you're the one attending school!" Hyo refuted.

He clenched his jaw and came closer to her, sitting in front of her and placing the book on her hands. "Study." He insisted.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed the book, opening it in the same page she left it. She looked at the words and then at his eyes. He was staring at her, shooting daggers at her eyes. She sighed and began to read more. After an hour or so she finished the book. He never moved, he remained staring at her the whole time which Hyo found creepy but again, she wasn't going to say anything, she was afraid of anger him.

"You see? It wasn't difficult." He said with a proud smile. She rolled her eyes and left the book on her nightstand.

"Good girl." He said with his rectangular smile.

She sighed and moved to the edge of the bed but stopped once he touched her forearm. A flashback of the day she crossed the room to turn the lights on popped into her head as she looked down to the translucent hand touching her warm skin.

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