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She thought about him and the things her family just revealed. It was a mess in her mind. Thoughts about what used to be her life before the accident and how her life is now just didn't seem to fit. She knew were some missing pieces and she was longing to get her memories back. Hyo closed her eyes and tried to remember the accident but her mind was blank.

The nightmares she had before were now a proof that those images actually happened and it frightened her, the only thought of being in a car crash and not being able to remember a thing. She felt alone and sad at the moment. She grabbed the notebook with Taehyung's initials and laid in bed, she pulled the notebook towards her chest and began to sob.

She felt a dull pain trapped in her chest, while the uncertainty invaded her body and mind. She wished Taehyung to appear next to her but minutes turned into hours and he didn't show up. She sat straight in the bed and looked around.

"Tae?" She whispered but only silence filled the room. She wanted to talk to him, to ask him if he remembered her.

"Tae?" She called him again but he didn't show up. She felt her stomach aching and her eyes filling with tears. She began to cry harder when she realized minutes passed and she was still alone in her room. Soon the door opened and Sunjin appeared in the door frame. She looked at Hyo and blinked twice at the view. She was trying to hold her tears.

"Hyo..." She began as she walked slowly towards Hyo's bed. She sat next to her little sister and patted her hair. "Hajima..." She began but Hyo kept crying harder.

Sunjin's thoughts were clouded. She understood her little sister was going through so much so she pulled a small key from her pocket. "Here..." She said handing the small key to Hyo. She stopped crying and looked at her older sister.

"If you won't stop crying then... I might as well just give you the key so you can shut up. I need to sleep, I have work tomorrow." Sunjin said in a joking tone but Hyo didn't laugh.

Sunjin sighed and grabbed Hyo's face between her hands. "That key will bring all your memories back... If you think you're ready then... I won't be stepping in your way." She said smiling sadly at her little sister. The doctor said if Hyo kept feeling miserable about her current situation, the family should help her to get the memories back so she can find peace.

Hyo remained silent as she watched her sister standing from bed and going out of the room. Hyo stood as well but remained frozen on the door, with her hand lying on the latch. She wiped her tears and grabbed her coat. Once more she turned around and eyed the room but there weren't signs of Tae so she opened the door and made her way downstairs.

She went through the kitchen and opened the back door. She stepped outside and immediately the cold air brushed her face. She looked at her clock and realized it was 3:29 a.m. She hurried through the grass and did her way to the small house on the backyard. She opened the door and got inside, closing the door quickly behind her.

Hyo turned on the light and stood still as she watched the locker at the back of the basement. She swallowed hard as she took small hesitant steps towards it. She was afraid of open it but she needed to know the truth and more important, she needed her memories back.

Standing in front of the locker, Hyo swallowed hard and pulled the key from her pocket. She opened the lock and slowly she pushed the small door open. Her heart began to beat faster as she saw piled boxes with the name "Taehyung" on them. She widened her eyes and took a step back. A cold breeze hit the small room. She took her hands to cover her mouth as she felt her eyes widening with each passing secong.

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