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Two days had passed and there wasn't sign of Tae. Hyo felt relieved for the matter, it was nice being in control of herself and hanging around the house without him locking her every time he wanted, but on the other hand, she found herself thinking about him constantly. She couldn't understand the reason why, but she thought it was because of the trauma he had created on her.

She shook her head when the thought of missing him popped into her mind. She couldn't miss someone like him.

It was Saturday and both mother and older sister were working. After taking a bath, Hyo did her way downstairs to eat some fruit. The house was alone and it was a bit cold so she wore her thick pajamas. She heard someone knocking at her door and she rushed to the door.

Once she opened it she foun Namjoon showing off his dimples. "Annyeong Hyo-yah!" He exclaimed. Hyo smiled and stepped aside to let him in.

"Annyeong Najmoon-ah." She greeted closing the door. She noticed he had a bag with him. Following Namjoon to her living room, it looked like he was making his way to her house as if it was his own.

"I brought some snacks and a movie. I thought that... Maybe you were boring today." Eagerly he said, Hyo nodded.

"I also brought the questionnaire to finish it." He said shaking the notebook on his hand. Hyo laughed. He was the one always remembering her doing the homework.

"Ne. Sounds nice." For a moment she was genuinely happy that Namjoon visited. She was alone in the house after all but she wondered if Tae was around. And if he was, she wondered if he would be mad at her for letting Namjoon come inside.

She stared at Namjoon who was ready to set the movie and then tried to decode him. She couldn't understand why Tae didn't like him.

Once the movie started, Namjoon opened the salty snacks he brought and they both sat on the couch as they watched the movie. When it was around 45 minute or an hour, the TV suddenly turned off. Namjoon jumped on his seat, since he was truly focused on the movie and quickly looked at Hyo.

She didn't know what to do laughed and quickly reached for the remote who luckily was next to her. "Sorry. I sat on the remote." She said turning the TV on again.

"Ah... Don't worry." He said chuckling nervously. They both returned their attention to the TV but Hyo couldn't concentrate now. She was like an eagle, looking around, seeing if she could catch Tae. She was sure that turning off the TV was his doing.

Once the movie finished, Namjoon cleaned the snacks bags and returned from the kitchen. Hyo had looked for her textbooks and they both sat on the living room's floor around the table.

"So we should do the last ten questions. It was a total of twenty." Namjoon said and Hyo nodded. They soon began to read their texts and Hyo really focused on the subject when suddenly the light turned off. Namjoon looked at Hyo but she had her eyes stuck on the bulb. After a few seconds, the light turned on again.

"I think that bulb is failing." Namjoon said pointing to the ceiling, Hyo nodded.

"If you have one around, I could change it right now." He offered politely but Hyo shook her head. "Ani... It's fine now. Let's continue." She said emphasizing the last words, as if she was trying to send a message to the ghost living in her house.

After a few minutes the window flew open, this made Namjoon jump on his seat since he was focused writing the answers. "Aish!" He complained looking with wide eyes at Hyo. But Hyo wasn't surprised, she was now 100% sure this was all Tae's work. She quickly stood from her seat and walked towards the window and shut it close.

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