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"Hyo-yah!" She turned around and found Namjoon rushing towards her. She found weird the fact that they've been only knowing each other for a bit more than a week now and he's using informal speech with her.

"Namjoon-ssi." He narrowed his eyes and laughed nervously.

"Yah... We're friends right? You don't need to be that formal."

Hyo laughed and nodded. "Alright." She simply answered. They both started walking towards the building.

"So... How are you?" He asked. For a moment Hyo found the tone of his answer a bit weird. It was like he was truly worried about her and she didn't understand why he'd look at her like that, as if she was a wounded bird.

"I am great thanks... You?" She asked carelessly. Not that she didn't care about her new friend, but she didn't want to look like a weak girl. She was alright putting all the other things aside.

"Me? I am fine." He said smiling but his eyes weren't. It was almost like he was faking it.

They did their way to the classroom and Namjoon sat next to Hyo. She wasn't annoyed by his presence but she wondered if he had more friends besides her because it looked like he wanted to hang out with her most of the time.

The class was History and the teacher had sent a questionnaire so long that had to be solved in pairs. Namjoon eagerly turned around and smiled to Hyo. She thought it'll be a good idea to do this assignment with him since she wasn't really into making friends due to her shyness and he seemed to be comfortable around her by now anyways.

"What do you say? Want to be my partner?" He whispered and Hyo smiled. It was enough for him to know that she had agreed to it. Secretly he was celebrating inside, the only thing he wanted was to get closer to her.

Once all the classes finished, they both did their way to the subway. For the past week Namjoon has returned from school with Hyo, claiming that they both lived on the same street and it was nothing but right to escort her back home. Hyo's mom told her this was a good idea because in any given case, Namjoon could be able to protect her. Hyo hesitantly agreed, she honestly liked to be alone sometimes.

"So we need to answer at least the first ten questions for tomorrow, shall we do it right now?" Namjoon asked once they stopped walking on front of Hyo's house. She nodded and he smiled widely.

Hyo's mind began to work as she accepted the fact that both, her mother and sister would be throwing suggestive daggers at the both of them since both of them seemed to be crazy for Hyo to be close to Namjoon. Hyo on the other side thought they were both emotional unstable and she couldn't understand why they'd want them to be close when she just met him last week.

Namjoon took off his shoes and followed Hyo to the living room. She let her backpack fall onto the ground and turned around to look at Namjoon he was already sitting on the couch with a wide smile, showing his cute dimples. "Are you thirsty?"

Her voice was sweet just as her smile. Namjoon couldn't help but feel glad to be her friend since Hyo was seriously charming. "Ne."

She nodded and made her way to the kitchen and looked for two sodas, once she returned she found Namjoon with his eyes stuck on his phone. She gave him one can and then sat next to him. He opened it and began to drink.

"So... Shall we start?" Hyo asked and he nodded. They both pulled out their school supplies, notebooks and textbooks and began to read. She'd noticed how Namjoon would eventually looked around the house and couldn't help but wonder what was that made him so distracted.

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