n i n e t e e n

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Hyo walked towards the door to follow Taehyung but she stopped once she walked out of the room. She noticed her family standing close to the door, it seemed like some of them were praying and others were just waiting. Her mother was close to her sister, they both were holding hands as they kept their eyes closed as their lips moved slowly. She knew they were praying.

Her eyes toured the scene and noticed a couple doing the same as her mother and sister. They were both holding hands and they were standing next to them. Down on the floor was a small kid holding a teddy bear. He was leaning on the wall and his face seemed sad, his eyes fixed on the floor as he sighed constantly.

Next to him, leaned on the wall as well was Namjoon. Hyo widened her eyes as she realized he had his eyes closed and his hands on his pockets. He wasn't mumbling anything like the others but he seemed focused on something, his face was full of worry and sadness as well.

Hyo couldn't understand the scene. She walked towards her mother and stared at her but they ignored Hyo, as if she wasn't there. "Eomma!" She shouted but none of the people in the hall listened to her. She looked around and suddenly saw Taehyung running towards them from the end of the hall. She noticed his eyes were full of fear and he was running desperately towards the group of people. Hyo took a couple of steps back as she blinked twice, confused about what was going on.

"Eomma!" He yelled. Both women turned around to look at him, Hyo's mother and the other lady. "Taehyung-ah you arrived in time." Sunjin said. He hugged Hyo's mother and then her sister.

"What did the doctor say?" He asked widening his eyes. Hyo noticed his chest going up and down really faster. She noticed he was wearing a pink apron and an uniform under it. "Your boss gave you permission?" The other lady asked and he nodded quickly.

"What did the doctor say?" He asked with wide opened eyes. He turned around, touring the scene, looking for an answer. He finally looked at Namjoon. "Namjoon-ah... What did the doctor say?" He said tilting his head. Everyone looked at each other. Hyo's mother began to cry and Tae quickly turned around and held her by the shoulders.

"Eomeoni... What is it? Please tell me- He was interrupted when the doctor came out of Hyo's room. Tae with his hands still on Sunjeon's shoulders, turned around to look at the doctor. His face was filled with terror and uncertainty.

Tae remained silent as he blinked several times. His mind was working on different theories but he didn't want to admit any of them. "Did you take a decision?" The doctor asked looking at the people on the hall. All remained silent but Tae.

"What decision? Wh-What is he talking about?" He asked letting go of Cha Sunjeon's shoulders and looking around. "What is he saying?"

The doctor sighed and looked at Hyo's mother. "There's not much time." His voice was calm.

Taehyung widened his eyes and walked towards the doctor, grabbing him by the collar. "Time for what? What the fuck are you talking about!?" He yelled the last words. Suddenly Namjoon and the other man grabbed him to stop him from hurting the doctor.

"Please sir calm down. It's my job to ask these questions, I am deeply sorry." The doctor said fixing his shirt. Hyo took a couple of steps back as she watched the scene. She felt her heart breaking. They were obviously talking about her, but she still couldn't understand.

"What is happening!?" Tae yelled turning around and grabbing Namjoon by the shirt's neck. His eyes were dark and big and full of not fallen tears. "Tell me!" He exclaimed shaking Namjoon.

Sunjin placed his hand on Tae's shoulder. He let go of Namjoon and turned around. He noticed how Hyo's mother was crying on the back with the couple. "Taehyung-ah... They want to disconnect Hyo – Tae widened his eyes and began to shake his head – They say she has been 8 months like this, and she isn't showing any progress."

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