t w e n t y

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She widened her eyes as she toured the room. "Tae?" She said as a growing pain ached in her chest. Her eyes filled with tears when she realize he was gone. She was alone in the room.

Her legs betrayed her and she fell onto the floor, on her knees. Lifting her hands, she noticed they were trembling and she acknowledge she was having a panic attack. "Taehyung-ah..." She whispered as her whole body began to shake.

She cried and cried until her chest no longer ached and the tears not longer fell. She wiped her tears and opened her eyes. In front of her, right where Tae was standing was a white envelope with her name on it. She swallowed hard and stared at it, it was impossible to know if it was there before since she was too focused crying.

Hyo extended her shaky hand and grabbed the envelope. She had all her memories back, she remembered everything at this point and she recognized the handwriting, it was Tae's.

Many thoughts crossed her mind but the one that highlighted the most was fear. She was afraid of open the envelope because they usually contain letters and she knew this was a letter from him and she was completely sure she wasn't ready to read it. Losing Tae now that she remembered everything was like losing him for real, this time it would be just like losing him the first time. She was going to feel all the pain she didn't feel before because she couldn't remember him.

She was shaking when the basement door opened it revealing a wet Sunjin with a flashlight. "Yah! Here you are..." She stopped talking when noticed Hyo was on the floor and shaking. She ran towards her sister and knelt close to her. Grabbing her face between her hands, she looked into Hyo's puffy and red eyes. Sunjin swallowed hard and began to look for cuts or wounds but soon enough she understood the pain was internal.

"Hyo-yah..." She blinked twice and noticed how Hyo looked at her with tired and sad eyes. Sunjin always understood Hyo more than anyone, until she met Tae. By the look on Hyo's face she understood she remembered everything now and that she didn't need to ask any questions.

Sunjin swallowed hard and slowly stood from the ground helping Hyo. "Come on, let's get you inside." She said as she lead her little sister back inside the house.

Hyo was shaking under Sunjin arms. Their mother was waiting for them on the entrance with dry towels. Nobody said anything, they knew this was the night when Hyo recovered all of her memories and they understood she needed time and space to overcome it.

They took her to bed and gave her dry and fresh clothes. After Sunjin helped Hyo, the mother brought a cup of warm tea but Hyo was too shocked to even drink it. She had her eyes fixed in one spot, the ceiling. Sunjin tried to talk to her but it was useless, she was quiet and she wasn't really there. Her mind was travelling through her thoughts, she was too shocked to even cry anymore.

"I think we should give her some space." Cha Sunjeon said placing a hand on Sunjin's shoulder. She gave one last concerned look at Hyo and finally nodded and stood from the bed, letting go Hyo's hand. They both walked to the door and slowly closed it.

Hyo was now alone, her room was cold and lonely. Tae's lack of presence made her feel sick. All her body ached but the part that more pain caused her was her chest. It was as if her heart had been ripped from her chest without anesthesia.

3 months later

"Hyo-yah!" Sunjin shouted. She moved from her desk and looked towards the door. She found her unnie leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed on her chest.

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