e l e v e n

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Hyo waited patiently on the street as she glanced to each side of the way. She spotted a taxi coming her way so she began waving at it. The taxi stopped in front of her and she opened the door. After indicating the address she pulled out her earphones and began to listen to music.

The soft melody filled her ears as the lyrics made her smile. She looked through the window and thought about the stuff she had to do today and the people she had to meet. A smile was plastered in her face as she thought about a special someone she was meeting later on.

The people on the streets looked busy in their own world and she thought if they were too different from her. She wondered if they had the same worries as her or maybe even worse. Hyo was absorbed in her thoughts but then a second later she felt something weird trapped in her chest and then everything happened too fast. She turned around and saw a big truck coming their way and then everything went black.

She opened her eyes and the blinding light made her cover her face, a few seconds later she heard a voice, a familiar one. It was her mother's.

She opened her eyes and saw her mother crying at her bed side with her hands resting on Hyo's. She cried and begged god to bring back her daughter. Hyo felt her heart beating faster as she opened her mouth to speak but she couldn't be heard. It was as if she was in mute. Her mother kept crying and then Hyo woke up in her bed.

She sat straight as she looked around the room. It was her room and it looked exactly as she left it before going to sleep. She soon noticed she was covered in sweat. Turning around to see the clock she soon realized it was 3:29 a.m. A heavy sigh left her heart as she stood from the bed and put on her house shoes and grabbed her coat and did her way to the kitchen.

After drinking a glass of water she stood in the middle of the kitchen thinking about her dream. Something inside her heart told her it wasn't completely a dream. It felt so real, as if she had lived it before at some point. She looked at the backyard through the kitchen window and saw the small house at the end of the backyard.

She sighed as she remembered Sunjin's words.

Don't you ever dare to go inside the basement ever again!

Hyo looked down at her hands that were sweaty now. She felt lonely at this point. This is the second "episode" she have had since she moved to this house. Talking about it made her feel uncomfortable, also she thought it'll only create more trouble to her family's lives.

She shook her thoughts away and returned to her room and tried to get some sleep, as if it was possible.


The door flew open and Cha Sunjeon made her way into Hyo's room. She was carrying a tray with food since it was the weekend and Hyo was free from school. "I brought you this." She said placing the tray with sweet rice cakes on the desk, Hyo glanced at them and nodded.

"Kamsahamnida eomma." She said. Cha Sunjeon stood next to her bed and stared at her daughter. She had noticed the last few days she hasn't been sleeping well.

"Hyo-yah... We should visit the doctor-

"Eomma hajima! I am fine." Hyo insisted. Cha Sunjeon sighed and left the room. It was mortifying for her thinking about her daughter going through some phase, she just wanted to help.

Hyo found herself alone in her room and since she had finished all the homework she decided to clean the walk-in closet. She hadn't clean it since they moved almost two months ago. She changed her clothes into something more fresh and looked for cleaning supplies. She opened the door and began to pull all the clothes and the boxes. Hyo placed the clothes on the bed and pilled on the boxes next to the wall.

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