t w e l v e

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The light of the day was bright and the sun was kissing her skin. She moved around, running away from someone but she was laughing. The wind blew her long dark hair as it clouded her vision. She could hear laughs on the distance. She turned around as she ran and looked at a boy who was running towards her. He had tight jeans and a white sweater but he was wearing a black cap that covered his face partially.

His hands were extended towards her but she was running faster. She chuckled as she saw how faster she was compared to him. "You're never going to catch me!" She mocked him but he laughed.

Soon she felt someone grabbing her arm and she stopped running. His hand was warm and it slid down from her forearm to her hand. He grabbed her hand and caressed the palm. She noticed how soft his skin was and she giggled as both of their hands were not entwined.

"I got you." He whispered as she closed her eyes and he wrapped his arms around her. She smiled and breathed in the sweet smell of his clothes. She thought that was probably her favorite place in the world.

A dull pain in her head made Hyo opened her eyes. She sat straight as she felt her clothes wet from sweat.

Another dream.

She sighed and closed her eyes. When she opened them again she found Tae staring at her at the end of the bed. He blinked several times as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Tae?" She asked but he remained silent. His face looked worried and his eyes were a bit absent.

"You can't sleep?" She asked and after a few seconds he shook his head.

"Wae?" He remained silent and looked down to the floor. She thought if he didn't want to share his reasons she wouldn't push him.

"Come here." She said patting the place in the bed next to her. Tae raised his eyes and looked incredulously at her. After a moment he reacted and he walked slowly towards her and sat next to her in bed.

His eyes were dark but they had an iridescent glow inside. Hyo smiled at the view, she thought Tae had one of the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.

She laid slowly back towards the bed as her eyes were stuck on Tae's. He understood the signal and he did the same, now both were lying in the same bed, for the first time. Hyo thought it was stupid from her to feel her heart beating this faster; after all, Tae was only a ghost. But his presence so close to her made her feel nervous somehow.

"You smell..." He began as he turned to look at Hyo but then he shut his mouth and looked at the ceiling.

"What? Do I smell bad?" She asked but he quickly shook his head. "Ani... The contrary." He said avoiding eye contact.

Hyo sighed and turned her body to stare at Tae. He looked at her nervously. "What?" He asked as she chuckled.

"Nothing. I just want to look at you."

"Through me you mean." Hyo laughed at Tae's joke, she thought it was cleverly funny. He followed and laughed finally releasing some tension from his translucent body.

"Have you remembered something else?" He sighed and nodded.

"Water. Waves and... Rain." He said blinking. Hyo frowned at the three words. She thought they surely were weird things to remember but it wasn't too much of info, it could easily be just memories from his previous life, maybe trips or just a rainy day.

"Anything else?" He shook his head as a negative response. Hyo wated to help him but she only had a few information about him.

She sighed and shrugged. "It's fine... At least you know your name and you like football and you had friends who played with you and... You had a girlfriend."

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