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"Take those sheets to your room." The mother said and Hyo nodded. The soft fabric caressed her arms as she carried the sheets to her room. She stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked at the door once more looking for the shadows on the floor but there was nothing.

She walked slowly towards the door and opened it. The door looked exactly the same as she left it. She organized the sheets into the wardrobe and decided to take a shower. She looked for some towels and did her way to the bathroom on the hallway. After she removed her clothes she got into the shower and opened the faucet. As the cold water gave her goosebumps she couldn't stop thinking about the shadow she saw on the small space between the door and the floor. She wondered if it was all her imagination or if it was something like a ghost.

Once she finished taking her bath she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her. She noticed the bathroom door she had closed before going into the shower was now slightly opened but she knew it could have been her mom. She walked out of the bathroom and just when she was about to close the door something caught the corner of her eye.

She turned around and looked into her room's direction. The door was slightly opened. She blinked twice and narrowed her eyes. Soon a figure appeared in the door's crack. Hyo opened her eyes widely and took a step backwards as she stared at the figure. It wasn't really defined but she acknowledge it was moving inside her room.

"Eomma!" She screamed but just when her mother was rushing upstairs the figure disappeared. Cha Sunjeon found her daughter panting and she pulled her into a hug.

"What's wrong?" She asked desperately. Hyo pointed at her room with trembling fingers.

"There's something in my room." The mother with widened eyes turned around and walked slowly towards the room. Hyo clinged into her mother's arm and followed her.

"Ani eomma, it could be dangerous!" She complained but never stopped walking. She was terrified but she also wanted to know what was what she saw. The mother kicked the door opened and rushed into the room but there was nothing inside the room.

She looked around and opened the wardrobe's door but there was nothing there either. She turned around and looked at her daughter who was still petrified. "There's nothing here Hyo Jin ah" She said a bit annoyed.

"Go get change, we need to go to the convenience store." She said rushing outside of the room. Hyo nodded and closed the door. She felt uneasy in her room now. She knew what she had seen and not only once, but twice.

She walked hesitantly towards her walk-in closet and opened the door quickly. She thought she'd find something there but there was actually nothing. She rushed and picked up some clothes and put them on quickly and ran her way downstairs. She was now afraid of her room because she knew there was something there.


"You've been quiet lately Hyo yah." Her older sister spoke. Sunjin cared about her little sister and after she returned home, she swore she'd protect her and be a better sister to her.

"Ani I am just tired." Hyo said as she placed a bag of salty snacks into the shopping car. She walked around, wandering in the halls. There were many new products she didn't even know.

"Can you get some softener?" The mother asked and Hyo nodded. She walked towards the cleaning section and wandered on the halls. She brushed her fingertips among the different brands of softeners. She wondered what was the one that was used on her house.

After the shopping they went to eat dinner in a restaurant and Hyo noticed how some people were looking at them and gossiping. The mother and the older sister realized too and they gave each other nervous looks. Hyo didn't understand the situation.

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