s i x t e e n

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"Hyo-yah wake up!"

She felt her shoulder being shaken. She opened her eyes widely as she saw Taehyung's face in front of her.

"I remember!" He shouted. She quickly sat straight as she tried to open her eyes. Taehyung was walking around the room moving his hands around and looking everywhere.

Tae disappeared for 5 days and he returned today. Hyo was shocked to see him so hyper. "Where were you?" She asked smacking his head which now she felt under her hand. They both looked at each other as she looked back at her hand and then back at his head. It wasn't translucent as it used to be, it was even more defined than before.

"Ouch?" He said tilting his head.

"Yah! Where were you? I asked a question!" Hyo exclaimed annoyed. Tae remained silent as he looked down. "You're not going to talk? I won't listen then!" She exclaimed crossing her arms on her chest and ignoring him.

"Yah! I was resting and trying to remember, mianhae." He said. Hyo turned around and looked at him and nodded.

"Go on."

"The birthday you said... I remember now. Everything! I was – He was about to speak but suddently disappeared and then the door opened and Sunjeon came in with a tray of food.

"Good morning, here's your breakfast." Cha Sunjeon said as she looked at Hyo. She stared back at her mother with anger. It has been 5 days since she has been locked in the room. Sunjeon stopped working to take care of Hyo's punishment on the house and they only let her go to the bathroom 4 times in a day and the food she had to eat it on her room. She had called the college to say Hyo was sick with a strong flu and they have given her permission to stay at home.

"Eomma..." She spoke. Sunjeon who was now walking to the door stopped in her track but didn't turned around.

"I know you know something... You don't want to tell but wae? I need to know, please- She began but soon her mother walked out of the room and locked her again. Hyo ran to the door and began to hit it. "Eomma! Please, tell me!" She exclaimed but she heard her mother's steps vanishing downstairs.

Hyo sighed as she sat on the floor and felt again her eyes filling with tears. She soon stood and looked at the door. She felt a boiling anger building up in her body. She couldn't understand why they were acting like this.

Hyo soon released a scream that was heard probably in every corner of the house. She grabbed her flip flops and threw them to the door. "Let me out!" She began to yell.



"Let me out!"

She cried and screamed. She felt her cheeks red of anger. "I need to know please!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Tell me who he is, I deserve to know!"

"Eomma... It hurts!" She cried as she punched the door. "Please, I need help!"

"Help me unnie!" Her voice was becoming more and more low as she cried desperately leaning on the door.

"I need to know, please eomma..." She whispered now between dull cries.

She felt an intense pain on her chest as she was now covered in tears. Her heart was beating faster just as her temples. Her head was aching just as her soul. After a few seconds the door opened and Sunjin appeared in her room.

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