f i f t e e n

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Hyo sat in the living room drinking a soda while she had her eyes fixed on the entrance door. She was waiting for her mother or unnie to come home. She knew they'd come home any minute and she needed to confront them. Hyo checked her clock and realized it was 7:12 p.m and they should have arrived around 6:30 p.m. She grabbed the house's phone to call her sister but as soon as she dialed the numbers, the front door opened and Sunjeon and Sunjin entered the house.

She pulled the phone down and walked to the kitchen to meet them. They turned to look at Hyo but awkward stares were shot. "Eomma." Hyo said greeting her mother with a bow.

Cha Sunjeon's eyes widened at the sight of her daughter. She thought Hyo probably would be more anxious but she seemed relaxed. "Unnie." She greeted her sister too.

"I need to... Talk to you, both." Hyo said. Sunjin stopped what she was doing and turned to see her little sister. Hyo swallowed hard and looked at her mother.

"Eomma... I have so many questions and you're the only one who can help me, please." Hyo begged, her eyes suddently filling with tears as she tried so hard to keep them from falling.

Cha Sunjeon swallowed hard as she looked at her daughter in pain in front of her, but she remained silent. "Yah! Hyo-yah... We told you to stop this nonsense- Sunjin began but Hyo quickly turned to look at her.

"Stop what? You're acting weird towards me, keeping secrets!" She shouted and then turned to her mom. "Eomma... Who is that boy from my dream? The blonde guy? Taehyung- She began but Cha Sunjeon began to cry desperately.

"Shut up! Shut up." The mother screamed. Hyo widened her eyes as she ran towards her mom but Sunjin stepped in the middle to keep her apart from the mother.

"Hyo-yah! Cut this now and go to your room, you're disturbing eomma. Get out! NOW!" Sunjin yelled but Hyo was forcing her way to her mom.

"Eomma please...I can't keep doing this please, I beg you! Who is him?" She cried and cried but her mother turned around to avoid the eye contact. She was crying and hiding her face between her hands, Hyo could hear soft sobs. She soon felt a hand grabbing her wrist and a force pulling her towards the stairs. She turned to see Sunjin dragging her upstairs.

"Ani! Unnie stop... Please!" She shouted but Sunjin was stronger and she was now opening Hyo's door. She pushed her sister inside gently and closed the door. Hyo ran and began to hit the door as she cried again. A loud groan left her throat burning as she cursed everything and everyone in her mind. She couldn't understand her family's attitude towards her, it was so unfair.

"Please tell me who he is, I need to know the truth!" Hyo exclaimed but her sister didn't reply. She remained silent at the other side of the door as tears filled her cheeks.

Hyo yelled and threw herself in bed. "I told you to stop this, you will get out once you cut this crap!" Sunjin said as Hyo heard her footsteps vanishing. Hyo widened her eyes as she understood what she meant. She was going to keep her locked in her room.

She rolled her eyes and began to cry harder until her head began to ache. It was an intense and familiar pain that she had felt before. She curled up in bed and wrapped herself in her blanket as she tried to calm her sobs. She closed her eyes and soon everything went black.


She walked to the boys as the music played loud on the back. She spotted Namjoon laughing. The same scene on the beach. She patted the other boy's shoulder and he slowly turned around and looked at Hyo. She froze in her spot as she looked at him. He was tall and fair. His hair was blonde and it was tousled.

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