f o u r t e e n

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Hyo woke up and took a quick shower and did her way downstairs but her mother and sister were gone already. She found a note on top of the dining room that said "breakfast is on the fridge". She frowned at the note and walked to the fridge. She opened to find a plate of chopped fruit and a bowl of cereal next to the milk. Hyo sighed heavily as she checked the note between her hands.

She was pretty sure her mother and sister were avoiding her after yesterday's night situation but she had questions and she needed answers, no matter what. She grabbed her coat and backpack and headed out of the house. It was Friday so she thought it was the best if the skipped classes to go and investigate about Taehyung.

She knew she'll probably get in trouble for skipping classes but she didn't want to go to college, that was the least place she wanted to go. She let her feet lead her through the city until she stopped in front of a café where they had laptops to use. She came inside and ordered a frapuccino and sat on one of the tables to use the laptop.

Her fingers were trembling and at first she thought it was because of the cold temperature but deep inside she knew she was just nervous about what this research might prove to be. She looked for her agenda where she had written down all the data she had collected from Taehyung's previous dreams and began to type on the search engine.

Taehyung seoul, she typed but obviously there were plenty results and none of them showed her Taehyung.

Taehyung seoul football, she typed again but there were many football players with the same name.

A heavy sigh was released by her lips as she took some notes on her agenda. She tried with many other searching phrases but never got anything relevant or at least something related with her Taehyung until an idea crawled up her mind.

She swallowed hard before typing the words. 

Taehyung dead body, she typed. Her heart began to race as the small circle loaded on the screen. Thounsands of thoughts crossed her mind, but the one that alarmed her the most was the fact that if she finds something related to her Taehyung all this would end. If she finds anything about him, a relevant information then, that meant he'll get his rest, the rest he deserves and she'll never see him again, ever.

She closed her eyes and breathed out. After a few seconds she opened her eyes and read the results. She opened the first page but it was only a false alarm, it wasn't her Taehyung. Same happened with the next three pages. She was almost giving up on this stupid research but she promised to try the last one.

She clicked inside and waited for the website to load and then her heart stopped. On the screen was a picture of Taehyung, her Taehyung next to the title "A boy is found dead under mysterious circumstances"

Hyo took her hands to her mouth as she felt her eyes began to fill with tears. She knew the probabilities on finding Taehyung were hard but she never expected to find it at the first day of her investigation. Her hands and legs began to tremble as her eyes toured the article.

"A boy around his 20's was found death this Friday and the cause of the death is yet about to be figured out..." She read as she felt cold shivers running down her spine.

"The family hasn't stated anything yet, he left family, friends and girlfriend." She read then. She noticed at this point her cheeks were wet. Hyo lifted her hand to caress the screen where Tae's picture was displayed.

He looked really happy in the picture, it was obvious it had been cropped to focus only on his face. He looked blonde exactly how he is right now. Hyo's heart filled with the most intense sadness as she read the rest of the article. It broke her heart to know he was a great student and had small siblings who looked up after him. The article also said his parents were devastated because he was their older son and their biggest hope.

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