e p i l o g u e

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THANK YOU so much for the 15k readings and love you have given to this fanfic. wow!  

"Are you sure you're ready to do this?" Sunjin asked as they both were parked outside of a white house. Hyo was on the passenger seat, with her eyes fixed on the wooden door. Her knees were shaking so she thanked herself to be sitting otherwise she'd probably be on the floor.

"Hyo-yah?" Sunjin's voice woke her up from her thoughts. She turned around and looked at her unnie with widened eyes and nodded eagerly.

"Yah... If something goes wrong, just... I'll be waiting here okay?" Sunjin asked caressing Hyo's hair. She nodded and smiled tenderly. Hyo opened the door and turned around once more to look at Sunjin, she flashed a reassuring smile that gave Hyo the courage to step forward.

Hyo walked to the small gate and looked at the house. The cars were parked so she acknowledge there were people inside. She looked down at her outfit, trying to fix it but in reality there was nothing to fix, her clothes weren't the problem.

She pushed slowly the small gate and made her way inside, taking hesitant steps until she reached the door. She swallowed hard and waited. She waited for minutes. She didn't know what she was waiting for but she did. Hyo turned around slowly and looked at Sunjin's car parked across the street, just to check if her sister was still there.

Slowly turning around, she knocked the door and took a step back. She felt her temples beating and her knees going weak. An unknown nervousness growing on her stomach. A few seconds passed until the door was finally opened.

A woman stood frozen on the door as she watched her. Hyo blinked several times as the memories suddenly flashed in her mind. The woman from the dream was now in front of her. Both widened their eyes as the woman took her hands to her mouth to cover it. She seemed pretty surprised to see Hyo but she wasn't happy about it.

Hyo swallowed hard and clenched her fists under the coat. Ex- Excuse me – she said as her heart began to beat faster – Is this Kim residence?" She asked.

Hyo knew this was Taehyung's house. The one where he lived when he was alive. She had come several times before and she remembered it everything now. The woman blinked several times and before she could open her mouth a man appeared next to her. His jaw dropped when he saw Hyo. He placed both hands on the woman's shoulders and soon Hyo's mind lightened.

"You are... The couple... From the supermarket." Hyo whispered. They remained silent and frozen as they stared at Hyo. Finally the man cleared his throat and looked at the woman.

"Ne... Kim residence...I am Kim-

"Jaejong. Kim Jaejong." She didn't let him finish, turning around to look at the woman before swallowing hard again. "And you are Kim EunMi, Tae's parents." Hyo said with calmed voice.

The couple looked at each other and the woman quickly pushed the door open. "You want to come inside?" She asked. Hyo hesitated for a minute since both of them seemed to be a bit off since her arrival but she needed to talk to them.

"Ne... Kamsahamnida." She said bowing and coming inside the house.

The first thing she saw were toys scattered around, she followed the couple and they led her to the living room. She stopped frozen when the familiar room welcomed her. She walked around as the couple waited on the entrance, staring at her with widened eyes, as if they couldn't believe she was here.

Her heart stopped when she saw a family portrait and she spotted him. He was between both parents and he must have been around 4 or 5 years old. With those blonde locks waving in the wind. It looked like they were on a picnic day. Tae's squared smile highlighted in the picture, they looked happy.

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