s e v e n

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The sun was bright up above. Hyo turned around and looked to the sea in front of her and smiled widely. Blue was one of her favorite colors, blue and yellow and both were present today. The sun on the sky was a bright yellow and the blue on the waves had an intense deep blue tone that she loved so much.

The wind was blowing and she closed her eyes to breathe in the pure air. Coming to the beach was something that she always loved doing. She heard a fuss behind her and turned around to find a lot of people hanging out. They looked young but she couldn't recognize any of them.

She walked through the crowd and looked around her. They all seemed happy, as if they were celebrating something but there was no hint about what it was. She could hear a music on the distance, she toured the scene but she couldn't find any electronic device from where it could possibly came from.

She stopped walking when she finally found a familiar face. She recognized his profile and prominent dimples. It was Namjoon. He was wearing a colorful outfit. What seemed to be a pair of yellow shorts and a printed shirt. His hair was short but it had a bright pink color and he was talking to someone who was giving his back to Hyo.

She took a few steps and realized Namjoon was telling a joke and next to him was a tall boy with a hoodie on. He was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a baby pink hoodie. It looked like he was laughing at Namjoon's joke. The wind blew and suddenly she saw a pair of blonde strands flying away the hoodie.

She narrowed her eyes and walked to approach them. She looked at Namjoon but he seemed to be into the other's guy conversation. She yelled Namjoon's name but apparently the music was too loud for her to be heard. She touched the shoulder of the guy who was talking to Namjoon but just when he was about to turn around, everything went black.

Hyo opened her eyes and found herself in her room. Her heart beating faster and her clothes covered in sweat. She checked the clock and realized it was 3:29 a.m.

She sighed and stood from the bed and went to the bathroom. After washing her face she went downstairs to get a glass of water and quickly returned to her room in silence, she didn't want to wake up her mother or sister.

She closed the door and returned to bed only to find Tae waiting for her, sitting at the edge of the bed. He was looking at her with curious eyes and it seemed like he was in a good mood.

"Annyeong." He greeted her. She drank a few sips of water and placed the glass on her nightstand.

"Where were you?" He asked ignoring the fact that Hyo didn't answer his greeting.

"Getting water." She said pointing to the glass next to her. She turned off the light and laid in bed. Soon Tae's head popped up next to her. She noticed he was again levitating in an imaginary bed next to her.

"You look upset." He pointed out and she nodded.


She thought on telling him about the dream but then she changed her mind. She doesn't know if she should be sharing personal things with a ghost. "It was nothing, I just needed to use the bathroom." She said wrapping her body in the blanket. Tae looked at her and nodded understanding.

"Where were you before I got up?" She asked turning her body to look at him. For a moment Tae jumped when he saw Hyo's face so close. She thought that judging by the look on his face, it seemed like he was nervous of being this close but she thought it was a stupid idea since he was just a vision.

"Sleeping." He said casually and she chuckled. He turned to look at in astonishment with a clearly offended face.

"What?" Hyo asked chuckling. He raised his eyebrows. "Why are you laughing? He asked narrowing his eyes which made Hyo laugh even more.

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