t h i r t e e n

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"Taehyung?" She whispered to the picture. She felt a cold shiver running down her spine. She took a couple of steps back as her heart was raced at this point.

It couldn't be him.

"Maybe... They look alike." She found herself whispering. She noticed the date at the footer of the picture. She leaned and noticed it was from six years ago. A visible frown appeared on her forehead.

"It doesn't make any sense." She said looking at the boy next to Namjoon and then it hit her. She found the whole scene familiar, they were at the beach after all. A memory of her dream of Namjoon being on the beach flashed in her mind. He was wearing the same clothes and the other guy too but she never saw his face, whenever he was going to turn around she'd wake up.

Hyo swallowed hard as she stared at the picture. It can't be Taehyung. After all that picture was from six years ago, it can be a guy who looks like him, he was still young in the picture. She shook her head and returned downstairs. She found Namjoon with his eyes stuck on the book. He smiled when she sat down next to him.

"Eveything's fine?" He asked and she nodded. Focusing on the homework was difficult now, the only thing in her head now was Taehyung. It was weird that Namjoon had a picture with someone who looked like him. She wasn't sure if it was her Taehyung because the picture was from six years ago but there were resemblances between the two guys.

She couldn't find an explanation for the clothes they were wearing and the ones in her dream, they matched perfectly. Her mind was a mess of thoughts and she wanted answers, she needed them.

"Thanks for walking me home, you didn't have to." She said to Namjoon who offered to walk Hyo home. He moved his hands around. "Ani ani... If my mom finds out a girlfriend came to our house and I didn't walk her back to her house I'd be in trouble- He stopped talking when he noticed Hyo's confused face, he began to laugh nervously as he shook his hands in the air.

"A – Ani... Not in that way I mean... You're a girl and a friend so..." He said scratching the back of his head. Hyo laughed.

"Ne... Thanks anyway. I'll see you tomorrow." She said. He was blushed at this point so he bowed to cover his face and nodded walking away. Hyo made her way inside the house and noticed her mother and sister sitting in the kitchen.

"Annyeong" Hyo exclaimed. They looked at her and smiled.

"Was that Namjoon?" Cha Sunjeon asked with a smirk.

"Ne... He walked me home, we had to do homework so-

"Ani... We're not asking." Her sister said winking. Hyo rolled her eyes as she leaned on the door's frame.

"Are you hungry? Or perhaps Namjoon-ah invited you dinner?" The mother asked and Hyo rolled her eyes again. It was annoying that her mother and sister were throwing hints at her all the time, she liked Namjoon but only as a good friend, nothing more.

"Eomma!" She exclaimed but both the mother and older sister laughed.

"He looks like a gentleman you know." Sunjin said.

"He bought you dinner didn't he?" The mother asked and Hyo nodded. Sunjeon and Sunjin looked at each other and winked. Hyo couldn't take it anymore so she groaned and went straight to her room. On her way upstairs she thought about ways of asking Taehyung if he knew Namjoon before, on his previous life, but again something inside her told her that she shouldn't ask and that maybe that blonde kid she saw next to Namjoon on the picture wasn't Tae.

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