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Hyo widened her eyes as she felt her temples beating. A wave of sweat took over her body as her mother's terrified eyes stared back at her. She opened her mouth to say something but the words won't come out.

"What did you say Park Hyo Jin?" The mother asked again, this time taking a couple of steps towards her. Her mother blinked twice as she stared at Hyo's petrified face.

"A – Ani... I didn't say anything." She managed to say but the mother was clever and she immediately knew her daughter was lying.

"How do you know that name?" The mother asked and suddenly Hyo found herself frowning. It was weird that her mother was asking her such a question.

"T – Taehyung?" She asked stammering. Her mother opened her eyes widely and took her hands to cover her mouth.

"What is going on? Eomma?" She asked walking towards her mother but Cha Sunjeon took a couple of steps back from Hyo.

"Don't say that name ever again. Forget it!" She exclaimed and did her way out slamming the door behind her. Hyo stood there in the middle of the room with the lily still on her hands. Her mother hasn't noticed it and it was for good, she didn't want to be answering more questions from her mother.

What truly bothered her is how her mother reacted over hearing Taehyung's name. She wondered if it had something to do with her ghost Taehyung or that maybe her mother knew someone with the same name that had hurt her at some point.

Hyo walked to the bed and sat as she sighed. She really missed Tae at this point, she only wanted to see his face. "Tae... Are you here?"

After a few seconds he appeared next to her but he was quiet. He sat on the bed and looked at her. Their eyes met, and Hyo suddenly felt peace inside. She smiled sadly and he followed and did the same. They didn't talk, there was no need, he only placed his hand on Hyo's and even if he wasn't flesh and bones, Hyo for the first time, felt a warm breeze brushing her skin and she knew it was Tae's way to comfort her. She smiled and moved her fingers to caress the vision of his hand.

"Is your mom alright?" He asked after a few minutes of being silent. Hyo shrugged.

"I don't know." She said looking down to the floor.

"I don't understand why she reacted that way." She added but Tae remained silent next to her.

"Me neither." He simply said.

The air was thick between them, as if they both wanted to say so many things but none of them dared. Finally Taehyung broke the crescent silence.

"I remembered something." Hyo quickly turned around and looked at him with widened eyes.

"What?" The eagerness in her voice was palpable even Tae noticed.

"It's a vague memory... But I was in taking a stroll around a river and I was holding someone's hand. It was a girl." He started.

Hyo felt her heart beating faster as she heard Tae's words carefully. This could mean something, if he gets his memories back she could help him to learn who he was before.

"What else?" She asked with sparkling eyes.

"I couldn't see the girl's face but she was wearing a green dress and her dark hair was waving around with the wind. She was wearing red nail polish and a bracelet with a "T" in it. I supposed... It was my girlfriend? Since we were holding hands and she was wearing a bracelet with my initial on it."

Hyo remained silent next to him. He looked down and closed his eyes as if he was trying to remember. "Something else?" She asked and he nodded.

"I couldn't see her face, she was holding my hand and walking in front of me but I remember the smell... It was vanilla." He said smiling.

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