Christmas in Alexandria

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The snow fell heavy as you stared out the frost covered window. The crackling of the fire and soft noises of the record spinning filling the warm living room.

The steaming cup of tea in your hands keeping them from freezing in the numbing weather outdoors.

A tree was lit up to your right, a smile landing on your face every time you looked at it. Reminding you of your childhood and the holidays you used to enjoy.

The sound of the door opening brings you out of your thoughts. Wiping his boots on the mat, a habit you finally got him used to you smile at him.

Daryl wears layers with heavy boots and a leather jacket. A coat hung over his shoulders. His nose as red as Rudolph's and snow sprinkled in with his long locks of hair.

"Cold out?" You laugh, watching him stand for a moment taking in the warmth the house provides.

He looks over to you, the look on his face telling you he didnt see you sitting there.

"Yeah," He breathes out, rubbing his still glove covered hands together.

Taking his coat off he walls over to you, the snowflakes melting as he gets closer to the fire.

"How was it?" You ask, offering him some of your tea and he takes a sip. Nodding a thank you.

Daryl just shrugs, "The snows gettin higher."

Wrapping the navy wool sweater closer to your skin, you lean against him. The smell of pine and cigarette smoke entering your nose. But makes you feel warmer as it's the scent of him.

His left arm wraps around your shoulders, bringing your body closer to him. Feeling his lips kiss the top of your head gently.

"I missed you today." You find yourself saying.

"More than any other day?" He asks you.

You'd both been together since before the falling of the prison, and every time you were away from one another it scared you to death. It scared him too, even if he chose not to admit it.

You nod, "I don't like spending a lot of time alone in this house. Especially not when it's Christmas Eve."

Your answer makes him chuckle, "You still care bout tha shit?"

You sit up looking at him, "Course I do. The world may be fallin part but that don't mean I can't still care bout Christmas."

Your accent and heavy opinion makes him smile, he liked that about you.

"Didn't you like Christmas before everything started to go south?" You ask him, resting you head back down on his chest.

"Never was anything special," Daryl answers taking your hand in his. "merle was either too high to do anything with or he was off somewhere."

"What about when you were younger? Your ma ever do holiday things with ya?"

You can almost head the pain in Daryl's heart as it beats, the thumps vibrating against your ear. "Nah. She made me cookies once, I was three or somethin. Just remember the picture."

Silence overtakes the room as you begin to feel bad as you brought it up. You want to say sorry but know he'll just feel like it's pity.

"The tree looks nice." His words come out low and soft, resting his chin on your head.

You smiles kissing his knuckles, "thank you. I like the little bits of color it gives the room."

"What do people do on Christmas Eve?" Daryl asks you, taking you by surprise.

Sitting up you cross you legs, sitting to look at him. "Well, me and my family we used to watch an old Christmas movie. Then my brother and I would open one gift."

Laughing softly at the memory, Daryl sticks his hand into his Jean pocket.

"Ain't wrapped." He mumbles, as you look down to his large calloused hands. Sitting in the center a simple gold band, the shine looking out of place in this world now.

Your eyes widen taking it and looking at in your much smaller hands. "Found it on a run other day, don't got to wear it. Just thought you might--"

Cutting off his mumbling, you wrap your arms around him tightly.

"Its beautiful Daryl," Pulling back to look at him you say. "it's really really beautiful."

Not another word to use as you look at it, the gold brightly taking place on your finger.

Smiling you straddle his waist, looking into his eyes. "I think you're finally startin to understand the idea of Christmas."

Laughing, Daryl brings you closer kissing you. Softly and slowly at first, soon turning into a passonate kiss. One where you can tell just how he's feeling, without him Even having to try and tell you.

And there in the warm embrace of not only the fire, but of each other you enjoy a Christmas Eve like no other. One that doesn't need any old Christmas cartoons, or fancy holiday traditions. But simply the love of two souls.

A/N: I'm honesly in love with this one shot, and am very excited for this book! :) And another Merry Christmas to you all!

Daryl Dixon One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now