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The flame of the candle illuminated Daryl's face with a warm orange glow and it made him look softer.

You looked to the man you had grown to love over these past couple months, maybe even the entire course of the year or two. You looked at him and with the burning glow of the candle, you couldn't help but smile softly to yourself.

Things between you and Daryl had become... Strained. You knew it started back at the prison, but you had no clue what prompted the change. The change being he began straying away from you, Daryl became closed off after months of finally being open with you. His demeanor towards you changed and the relationship you thought you both had... Suddenly disappeared.

You tried asking him why, you tried to figure out if it was something you did. But he didn't talk to you and he tried his best to keep his distance. It took a toll on your heart.

But now, here you both were. Stuck together, after the fall of the prison. On your own, together. Just the two of you.

He couldn't ignore you anymore.

He had found an old funeral home to take shelter in earlier that day, and as evening fell, you both discovered the pantry to be fully stocked. You both were safe, you both could rest for a moment. You both had food and water. It was a good day, however as you sit here with Daryl trying his best not to look your way, it feels anything but a good day.

Eating another spoon full of canned peaches that explode sweetness in your mouth, you look across the table at Daryl.

"Can I ask you something?" You speak up, and your voice feels booming in the silence.

Daryl doesn't respond, and you ask anyway.

"Did I do something? Did I say something that was wrong?"

Daryl doesn't look at you, but by the way he shifts in his seat, you know he's at least acknowledged the question you asked.

"Daryl, I'm losing my mind here. Please. If I did something wrong you have to tell me. If I said something or asked something that was out of line, you have to te--"

"Merle said somethin." Its the first time in what feels like forever that you've heard his voice. Or at least his voice saying something other than "over here" or "stay there".

"What?" You ask, setting you spoon down on the table.

Daryl lets out a sigh, and shakes his head. His dark locks that grow longer day by day wave gently as he does so. "Merle said somethin ta me at the prison."

"What did he say to you?"

Daryl naws on his bottom lip anxiously for a moment, staring at the half empty jar of peanut butter sitting in front of him. Then, he finally answers you and changes everything.

"Said if it weren't for the dead comin back alive, that ye never woulda been with someone like me."

It hadn't been you, this entire time. You didn't say something that insulted him or was out of line. You hadn't done something wrong. No, this entire time it was because of something Merle said. Even dead, Lord rest his soul, but even gone he was still causing hell for his brother.

"And he's right." Daryl adds and it's then that he looks across the table at you. The light of the flame reflecting in his blue eyes. The blue eyes that from where you sit, you can see are full of pain and shame.

"Daryl," You shake your head, and stand up. Moving to the chair beside him, you look at him. "Do you know why I love you?"

Daryl looks over at you, and stares at you for a moment. Almost trying to figure out the correct answer through studying your eyes or the expression across your face. But not finding the answer he needs, he shakes his head. And he mumbles something embarrassed under his breath, not knowing.

You sigh, but it's not a sigh of annoyance or anger. You sigh and a smile lifts to your lips shortly afterwards.

"I love you because you make me feel safe. You make me feel protected. Even when there isn't any danger around us, like right now, you're like this blanket of safety that is always around me."

"I love you because you are the bravest man I have ever met. You're brave and you're strong. In this world and from what you've told me about your childhood, you were strong in the old world. You are brave when you go out there when you don't have to. Risking your life for something as simple as a squirrel or a can of soup for the group. But you are also brave to let someone in, especially in a time like this. It took you time, but you let me in. You let someone love you in a world that is falling apart. In a world where that person could be gone tomorrow. That's bravery."

"I love you Daryl because there's this other side of you. A side that's shy, a side that's adolescent in a way. A side that wants to say sweet things but doesn't know how. I see it in your eyes, those blue eyes that I could look at all day. They speak all the words you might not be able to say quite yet. And that's okay."

"I love you because you, Daryl, are the single greatest man I have ever met."

"I love you Daryl because I know you love me too."

Daryl watches you silently the entire time. Hearing every word, soaking in everything you say to him. You can't quite tell what he's thinking, but it doesn't matter.

"Did we have different lives growing up? Yes. Did we lead different lives before all this happened? Yes. Were we complete opposites back then? Absolutely, because we still are." You smile and think you see the edges of Daryl's lips twitch, as if he's stifling his own small smile.

"But Daryl, it doesn't matter to me who you once were. What kind of life you had."

"A piece of redneck trash." Daryl mumbles and you shake your head.

"Would I have fallen for someone like you back then? I don't know. I just don't have that answer. But Daryl," Your hand reaches out and covers his own. "I've fallen for you now. I love you today. And it has nothing to do with the dead coming back to life or the world falling apart around us. It has to do with me and you. And finding each other."

"I love you Daryl Dixon." You say and his eyes study yours. And although his lips don't move and the words don't escape him, his blue eyes scream the three words back.

A/N: Wow! I really love this one!😍

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